AppleTV images but no sound

I connected my AppleTV to the HDMI port. I get images but no sound. Any idea what could be causing this issue?

Look in Apple TV audio settings for hdmi. Change it to stereo, it should work then! PicoPix doesn’t support surround sound decoding right now.

Will it eventually? and ARC as well? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, I’ll try that.

In the Audio & Video settings, I turned Dolby Digital ‘off’. I have sound now. Thanks!

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As mentioned before, I turned off Dolby Digital to get sound from my AppleTV device. However, the sound only comes from the projector and not the Bluetooth speaker. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

Hi @HAtk.

You can’t.
It’s a known (and countless times discussed here) limitation of the PPM.

But you have at least 2 workarounds :

  • Connect your bluetooth speakers directly to your Apple TV to get sound.
  • Have a chain “Apple TV” / “Audio/Video amp” / “PPM”, therefore you have the image through the PPM and the sound through your amp.