I paired the PPM with a Bluetooth speaker, originally. I disconnected the BT speaker and now speaker is connected via audio out jack.
The issue is now the PPM continuously prompts to pair with the BT speaker. Note that my speaker is not in Pairing mode.
If I click “Cancel”, the prompt just returns 15 seconds later, asking to Pair again.
If I click “Pair”, the pairing is successful and “Connected”.
If I click “Pair” and then click the BT speaker device, it disconnects. But, 15 seconds later it prompts to “Pair” or “Cancel” again (and again and again).
I do not want the BT speaker to be the audio output. I do not mind if it is “paired” but it should not be active / “Connected”.
Firmware Version 1.1.02
Launcher Version: 1.4.0
Chip Version: 20191121
*Bluetooth Speaker: Jawbone Jambox