Can’t find my way around the forum

PLEASE clean up this forum to many new topics
please make folders whit

  • general discus
  • issues
  • shipping delivery discus
  • requests
    etc etc …

And i cant make my own topic ? where to i write issues ?

i want some answers
why is it more bright when using powercord even on eco ?

is it the 4th led active only on powercord? would be good to have the option to activate it on battery also or do i need a powerbank ?

i want this option to choose this when only on battery also
using latest fw

“If you have power to spare anyways, why not output a brighter image? And when power is finite, let’s dim it just a tad more to increase battery operated duration” were probably what they were thinking about.
I like the feature, but there’s also a case to be made for keeping the light level the same regardless of power supply presence.

No, it’s always only active in Presentation mode, battery or mains power don’t influence this. So once you turn on Presentation mode, it will come on.

Well i notice the image was more clear and brighter when cord is in on Eco

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