General info about shipment and manufacturing

Thanks Quentin.

Another 10000 units before me, I may get it before the end of lockdown if it is extended to September.

I was going to use this when I am at work back in the UK so don’t need it at the moment anyway.

Ivog is only a moderator (not working for philips). You backed end of 2019 therefore you came quite late in the process (initial delivery date was October 2019 !). Luckily for you, production speed seems to increase a lot those days therefore you are catching up quite fast. As said before, 2 months for you should be a fair target to receive your product.


Backerkit uses these numbers in their whole database, which contains other campaigns also. If other surveys get filled in pertaining to some of these other campaigns, they’ll just use the next available Backerkit sequential ID. The numbers aren’t reserved for the PicoPix Max campaign only, but are used for ALL Backerkit surveys in their systems.
The fact that some are sequential means that Backerkit had a slow day on other campaigns just when a bunch of PPM surveys were unlocked and mailed out to PPM backers.

The shipping is very late, that’s all. I backed in late August and received my projector a couple of days ago. But keep cool, it will come and it will be worth the wait!

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The fact that backer numbers in a same list (let say 1000 products out of 15,000) are pretty much all sequential means that they are related in my view. Otherwise they would only be sometimes (1 times out of 15 in average) sequential. Anyway it is not really important but I love statistics !

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Like MaximeM said, I am not advertising anything, Philips Projection is. And yes, their ad campaign information is outdated and needs to be updated, Period.

Read very well what I wrote:

That I can not give you, for I do not know and can’t predict this. Please use the information available in the summary to make your own estimates.

I agree with Petefisch. the projector would have been more useful with lockdown while kids are home. At this pace 2021 should not be ruled out which is disappointing for something we backed in 2019 and was suppose to start shipping in Oct of 2019. Extremely sad and disappointing for a company the size of phillips. I had the option of buy Xgimi which was also on Ndigogo at same time but i went for brand name and now look where i ended up. The Xgimi is already out on Amazon selling and and with positive reviews. this is truly sad. It will be good to hear from Phillips on projected dates on when people can receive their projectors.Sorry to say but someone really dropped the ball on this one.

They are related as in the all came in at around the same time. But in between there might be people who backed later (IGG) yet filled their survey in before earlier backers (Backerkit). Then of course they will be fulfilled later than those who had lower IGG numbers, meaning there’s a gap in the sequentiality of it all.

How can i use the information on summary to predict when you just said they are not sequential. Please share how you want us to predict when it sounds like you cannot even predict yourself. I have directors that work for me that will do a much better job than what i am watching a whole company do here. This is horrible

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You’re confusing different numbers. To properly understand all these ID’s and numbers, please read this explanation by a fellow forum user: Demystifing Numbers (Indiegogo, Backerkit etc.)?

The Backerkit ID numbers are used in the lists of projectors that are shipped. Those are the ones IvoG said are not sequential. This is however not a problem, since these numbers aren’t used to determine shipping order. The projectors are shipped roughly by Indiegogo contribution number (ie. backer number). I say roughly because there are other factors as well, like grouping of reasonably sized shipments to different regions.

Thanks Ivog for your reply (and all the work/support your are doing on this forum) but I will have to disagree on that one :wink:

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Okay. So where is projection of next shipping based on contribution ID ? The only Ids i have seen is backed ID on next shipping. consistency will help. This is the reason we are having all these problems. Its almost like people are waking up and saying what can i do to make this more complex

If shipping are based on contribution ID then that needs to be posted. Why even discuss or post backer IDs. Simplify and you will have less problems


Honestly guys. I am extremely disappointed in Phillips. I dont care how bad your parts on hand is you should still be able to come up with a conservative forecast model. To say we cant forecast shipping at all sounds like a backyard business to me not an established company.

If your production rate is 500 a day you can forecast shipping to all users at a rate of 300 a day and that will still be better than this non sense i am seeing. The delta of 200 will help account for issues you may experience along the way but if you exceed the forecasted 300 per day now you look even better to your customers. Not everyone will be pleased with having a future estimated shipping/receive date but at least they know and you will have less noise. To just not do that isnt helping at all


Thanks for your reply, but I am part of list 1. Do you know where I can get the information?

I don’t work for Philips Projection, I’m just volunteering to moderate this forum and help fellow PPM backers/users. Some of the moderators here are Philips Projection staff, you can see who they are by the Philips logo in the profile picture. The rest of the moderation team are volunteers. As volunteers, we don’t get to make decisions on how things are done, we can only do our best to help others understand how things work.

Philips Projection has said that they aren’t making public estimates of shipments. Instead, they inform on a regular basis here on the forum on how many projectors have been made and how many have passed QC. When these are ready to be shipped, they publish lists of the recipients. This is the information that is gathered in the summary threads, accessible by clicking on “News” in the top bar of the forum.

Nobody has ever said that shipping order is determined by anything else than Indiegogo contribution ID, with a few exceptions for logistical reasons. I can only guess as to what the reasons for using Backerkit ID numbers in the lists are, but the reason might be that it’s a number that is readily available in the exports from the Backerkit backend. I agree with you 100% that it’s a cumbersome number to use from the backers viewpoint.


Thanks djupsjob. I appreciate the response and honesty. It is concerning to see a company do this which brings the question if he senior leadership is aware or in complete disconnect with the customers sentiments or view point. Perception is reality in a situation like this where people are seeing a full process break down right in front of them.

I will do my part to help create awareness with Phillips SLT that they are handling this incorrectly and adding to customers frustrations. Its one thing to not be able to deliver on your promise/commitment but it is another then then not accept/communicate short shorfalls with an update letting the customers know we can do better and as a start here is what we are going to be doing

  1. We are providing you this estimated shipping date. Keep in mind this is an estimate and we will do our best to try and meet or exceed expectations but also keep in mind we could also run into unplanned issues that could impact this but if and when this occurs we will do our best to communicate this. - This will restore some level of credibility and also puts the company in a place to exceed the expectations as the forecasted numbers will be below actual so opportunity for success is greater

2: We encountered a few minor bugs but our development teams have done an incredible job to make sure those have been addressed so when you do receive your equipment you can enjoy what we have promised

You get the point. Unfortunately just not seeing this right now


I see you joined the forum only since March 25th. Have you been reading up since or before? Because Philips Projection has given estimates. When they weren’t met due to all sorts of reasons, people complained. At a certain point they decided to not try to give estimates but just keep us up to date with was actually achieved.

That wasn’t enough, people demanded to know before their perks shipped that they would be in the next batch. So they decided to provide lists based on the Backerkit ID’s involved in the shipping.
They give people tracking labels as soon as they get them, only to have people complain that nothing happens with their tracking numbers.
They tell people the perks will be handled in a certain time window only to find out the forwarder hasn’t gotten around to dealing with the shipments.

So, no, they’re not good at communicating when you’ll get your perk. But then again, they normally didn’t deal with us the end users, normally they deal with the Walmart’s, Best Buy, Media Markt, FNAC, Amazon’s of this world. A few distributors at wholesale level. Not 14K individual people all eager to get their perks. When Corona outbreaks and logistics all over the world mean they have wildly varying sourcing, manufacturing, shipping, and return pickup times, with companies suspending service to some countries, taking way longer and costing so much more than before this new state of affairs.

Involving the senior Philips directors or board members has been done already and has only really helped to delay the actual work being done by the Philips projection as they have to take time out to tell their bosses basically the same logical explanations they try to give us.


Ivog, Thank you. Involving senior leadership team should never slow down process. If anything it should accelerate the process as they should be rolling up sleeves to kick down road blocks to challenges the teams may be experiencing and while helping deliver a seamless experience to the end users.

I understand all of the issues you just described and all are part of issues most companies face daily except the covid 19 challenge which we all have to work through.

If engaging the SLT is slowing down the process rather than helping then Phillip may have a bigger problem than what we are all dealing with here. It means SLT is disconnected with the business which in itself is a problem because non of this should be news to them and they should be helping manage the communication.

To echo your point it looks like the company was indeed not used to working directly with consumers and if that is the case then they need to hire the right people to help them manage this or this will only continue to get worse.


Secondly estimates should be calculated based on projected forecast and emailed to customers directly not on a blog. Sorry but not everyone wants to come into a bog to see updates.

If he provided an estimate on the blog then that tells me it was was something very vague and not tailored to the individual customers which will explain the feedback because if you say everyone will receive by end of march then if i am one of the ones that dont receive then you are more likely to receive negative feedback.

They need to spend some time doing this right and forecasting groups of orders within a time frame.
If you do something halfway you get halfway result and negative press


Hi there,
i am in list 3(#15586841) from HK,
Not yet received tracking.
Something gone wrong?