Kodi Rockchip issues with PicoPix Max

I removed the app and installed back, it seems ok now.


On a different note, I get sub 20FPS on built in Kodi which makes watching movies very annoying due to losing frames, this also happens in UI. Anyone else still with this problem?

This is without the fix I assume? Auto keystone is off?

I haven’t applied any fixes, correct. I do use keystone, though

Turning on automatic keystone correction (not manual adjustment) will deactivate four corner correction. That is the “fix”. Doing so will give the supplied version of Kodi (you must use this version, don’t download it yourself or update it) the overhead it needs for smooth UI and video.

EDIT: supplied version of Kodi not necessary for the fix. My understanding of this part was wrong. Explanation see further down.


Got it, thanks!

How did you arrive at this conclusion? I had this fix working on my own install of Kodi, and I regularly update it. Nowhere has Philips Projection said you need to keep the pre-installed version intact, we only say that about MX Player and Netflix.

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Good question. My memory says there were two parts to the Kodi fix, the automatic keystone correction and something patched in Kodi itself. Not sure I can pinpoint exactly where that comes from. The discussion in this very thread suggests there is or was a RC-build of Kodi in the mix:

We’ve been talking about a patched version of Kodi all this time. Then on the next update it became a preinstalled app. Not sure if it was ever straight up confirmed that it contains any RC-related patches or I just assumed it from the way this conversation went.


Hello, no, there is no patch applied to Kodi by us. You can install the stock version downloaded from Kodi’s website.


Seems newest kodi version from yesterday’s firmware update is much smoother to me.

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