Order Placement and Status

Hi. I recently order the projector under contribution 21875. I live in Dubai

Other than an email saying my contribution has been accepted, i have not received anything else.

Is there anything else i need to provide, or do i just wait until you contact me now?

Apologies if this has been asked many times before. It is difficult to find a response on here that answers this.

Many thanks

Hi Sharwood

From my experience once you place an order on Indiegogo they will then setup a Backerkit but this happens after the Indiegogo have past their refund period. Backerkit is another Website/Service which handles the shipping details and extra Tax’s like VAT,

You will need to use the same email address and details that was used in Indiegogo, but do not setup your own account as this is something Indiegogo will do in time.

At this stage you just need to wait as you will receive a Backerkit email once Indiegogo have done this.

Once this happens Philips will build the Projector and then you move onto the next stage which is shipping which also take long time. It’s a bit of a waiting game but now we are at the end of the campaign hopefully things should move quicker.

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