PicoPix Max One? New model being released

Yes we are thinking about this!

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On PicoPix Max, this is a hardware issue. We won’t be able to adjust this. But the fonction work on Max One.

Hardware issue ?!? And after that PicoPix Max One is the small brother ? I think PicoPix Max is a beta product, with more not essential functions and less important functions (audio with ADMI etc etc). What is your solution ? PicoPixMax is for me not your best product to use with simple and basic but essential functions. I don’t understand your choice and your politic. Launch a better product (with more standard function and less technical function) is not logical and not fair.

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We are not launching a better product but another product, under Max
It has less features, but the same optical engine. That’s it
One means “entry”.
This is an entry, yet powerful Full HD projector.

How about a possible trade-in offer? It seems that several people in this forum might be willing to get the picopix one in exchange for their picopix max. Thanks

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That’s definitely not going to happen
 But I guess asking does not harm anyone

Hello, sorry this won’t be possible. IN terms of logistic that would be a nightmare to pick up all the Max devices and then send the Max One. Also we would would need to repack the Max, maybe change the packaging, change the cover because of scratches

In fact we were thinking about somekind of subscription to always get the latest projector every year for a fees, like a leasing. But I don’t think the majority of customers would agree


What is USB port power budget, still 0,5A? For most TV stick at least 1A is required.
For example Xiaomi TV Stick is self-rebooting when powered from PicoPix Max (Screeneo based), but works great when powered from old PicoPix 4935 (Sagemcom based).
Old PicoPix 4935 has USB port with 1A capability, why PPM has not
 is not clear for me. Please don’t tell me this is a standard of USB2.0 - so old PPX is not agree with any standard too.

Have you tried plugging in a TV stick using the USB-C port with an adapter? https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07XYTHCXV/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07XYTHCXV&pd_rd_w=KXSba&pf_rd_p=c1d7adc4-342a-461c-887e-847da81a421c&pd_rd_wg=Tu7Ik&pf_rd_r=RG8935BG45BWJ966VSWP&pd_rd_r=75cc29ab-9435-42b5-a6e7-b2b3379fd37d&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExSFkyQTAyUDROUkNFJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMjk4MTY2M000U0lMRDBNN1hMTyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUE4WTNWVzNCTUFVNVYmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
The USB-C port should have enough power output right?

Thats a great idea. Anybody try it? Ive only got a gen 1 chromecast.

Yes, i tried that too. Exactly like this one https://images.app.goo.gl/NzBdqQ8W56u4z4NP6

Unfortunately USB-C port also have not enough power output. (about PPM “Full” PPX620/INT)
There are additional issues with USB-C ports:

  • You need use “Video” port, as “Power” is for PPM charging only.
  • You can’t back to settings on OS (for change source/keystone
) , when “Video” port is connected (despite video is passing by HDMI)

I belive PHILIPS Quality Assurance (QA) was aware of those issues and they provided fixes in new PPM One model.

As a proof that PicoPix 4935 - old 2016’s Philips by Sagemcom product - has USB-A 1A capable port see this picture https://images.app.goo.gl/qn88Wsu3fmNcpXfj9

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The new ones will be android or move away from it, cause that’s a bit of a bummer and deal breaker for most.

A good discount for Picopix max owners

J’habite en Suisse, je passe vous voir, j’ai encore l’emballage d’origine et il est tout neuf. UtilisĂ© 1x 5min, la batterie se dĂ©charge toute seul. J’ai vraiment l’impression d’avoir un produit de sous qualitĂ© par rapport au ONE.

What is power budget of USB-A port in new PPM One?


1: We have 1.2A on Max One. We tested Our Own dongle and AMazon Fire Stick 4K
2: Xiaomi Stick FHD always reboot, even on my TV. THere is a big issue on this stick

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Nos bureaux sont fermes au public. Le Max One est base sur le Max dans tous les cas. Si vous avez un probleme avec votre MAx nous pouvons l’echanger sans soucis.

Hi, can you please confirm this has the exact same amount of lumens as the normal Max?

Exactly the same engine