Suddenly stripes all over the picture

Hello. I suddenly have stripes all over the picture. Reset does not help.
What can i do?

Please send an email to to start a defective replacement procedure.

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hi - I have the same problem, I received mine end of June, generally love the device - but this saturday when turning it on, the screen is filled with stripes, both vertically and horizontally. the PPM sat in the same position as the night before, where it worked perfectly fine.
I already e-mailed about this, the response from them was to check with this community forum (this is perhaps just a standard reply?).
How to progress from here?

Hello. I sended the projector back to philps. I am waiting since 10 weeks for to get my projector back.


Ouch! I would reply and ask for a replacement under warranty, the forum can’t help you with this.

Out of curiosity, what is your ticket number? You shouldn’t have gotten this answer to what’s clearly a hardware technical issue. If it was a usability question or a software based issue for which there exists a proper procedure or workaround then it would’ve been an okay answer, but not this.

hi Ivo - thanks for getting back to me,
the ticket number (If that means the request-number) is #29604.

best, K

bummer! hope your wait will be over soon.

They do finish the email with

If you feel the community forum cannot address your specific issue, please reply to this email. We will be happy to assist you personally. Thanks!

But this is not an issue for which the forum can provide a solution or workaround. Either they didn’t understand your problem or they couldn’t view the clip you attached, or they just plainly informed you wrong.

Please reply and ask for a replacement under warranty, as the forum can’t help you with this clear hardware issue. And in the really improbable case that they do have a user-actionable solution that doesn’t void your warranty, please do share it with the rest of the forum as I for one would really like to know what that could be.

thanks again Ivo -

you’re right, the e-mail ends like that - and so now I have asked for a replacement under warranty.

thank you for your quick feedback, mister.


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strangest thing: after it having stripes on screen for the last two days, I have tested it throughout the day, and now, this evening - it is miraculously fine again! I don’t understand anything. I worry that it can occur again, so it might be wisest to replace still? or would you wait until it eventually happens again? how long is the warranty?

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The warranty should be 2 years from the day you received it, so it’s up to you if you want to wait a bit more

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Wow! :astonished:

I don’t know what causes this in the first place. I’ve never immersed myself fully into the techniques used and operation of these kind of light engines, but it seems to me like there’s a component that may be sensitive to temperature or something else that’s causing this to happen. It could be electromagnetic interference, or perhaps a driver error also, I really don’t know.

I thought only a hardware issue could cause this but if it can’t be reproduced anymore you don’t have an issue anymore technically, and a replacement unit might also develop the same issue anyways. I would recommend you report the issue having disappeared for now and ask if this was to be expected and what the next steps should be.
Then depending on the answer I would just wait and see, either the issue will return or it won’t.

so, after a week the stripes reoccured - the next day it was a fine a day for a few days, but yesterday it started happening again. Today it was fine for 30mins, then stripes occurred for 15mins, I restarted it a few times without any improvements, left it on with stripes and after 5mins it is all fine again. I really don’t understand what’s causing this, but I will try for a replacement unit.

got a shot of it going from mess up to fine:

My projector is by philips since june for to repair this. I became a tracking-no. 2 month later. Since the beginning of the august i am waiting for to get my projector back. They startet the sending did get a tracking-no., but they did never give the parcel to DHL. In the meantime the tracking-no is not guilty anymore. I wrote 2 emails to the support, but they give me no answers anymore!

that sounds worrying… Mine works fine half of the time, but half of the time the stripes occur - I want to send it back, but if they don’t reply at all, like in your case, that’s bad…

@IvoGrijt : I noticed (accidentally, as I was going to lift the PPM up) that grabbing it on the sides, where the ventilation-holes are located, affects the problem; ie the stripes appear to go away when putting a slight pressure here - so this at least might indicate that it is not a software problem?? see video:

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