Working Apps List discussion, feeds the Working Apps List

This is the discussion thread, the actual curated list feeds from this one and can be found here: PPM Working Apps List

Can we get a stickied discussion going that discusses Android Apps that are working on the PPM, along with any relevant details - like in a table format?

For example, I’m interested in YouTubeTV, so the entry might look like:

Service: YouTube TV
App Name: S YouTube TV
Source: Aptoide Store
Full HD: Yes
Remote Support: Works with Standard remote (I.e., not air mouse, or mouse based interface)
Notes: Third party modified APK, but allows Google log in/authentication

Another Example:
Service: Netflix
App Name: Netflix
Source: Philips Official Firmware updates
Full HD: Yes
Remote Support: Requires mouse/touch based navigation / Airmote works
Notes: Firmware 1.X.X.XX required for Full HD; essentially a web-page viewer (I.e., like going to

Etc, might need to flesh out which apps requires the mouse interface vs those that are fully navigable with a TV based interface.


That’s a bummer… I’d be good if the app worked directly but oh well I guess it’s still Netflix :blush:

I also want to see Disney plus working

Exactly, we need to build and updated list together over time as folks find solutions, etc.

As far as netflix, I’m only taking an educated guess based on what I’m seeing. I could be wrong about it being a web-based app like that. I know that’s why they are petitioning Netflix proper to get the real AndroidTV app on the device.

However, this will be the first Pico projector I’ve seen supporting 1080P video from their Netflix solution, unlike Anker/Nebula or Xgimi.

Hey can someone test youtube vanced and ymusic?

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Just adding wondering if there are more Disney p plus users here? Disney Plus App

Seems that Twitch doesn’t work (from Aptoid store at least), the bad thing is that for Netflix we sacrifice with other apps.

Yes, I’d like to know how to get Disney+ on picopix

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Hey, maybe youccan try downloading an apk and install. I saw there is even the latest apk available from a week or so. Not sure if it will work OK tho, don’t have the ppm yet :slight_smile:

Hello Everyone,

I am located in France and received yesterday my 2 PPMax, one for my daughter and one for me. I have been doing some testing and added a few apps and here are some of the results which I will update regularely (remember, first thing is to install release V.1.0.25 I did the Manual Install):

  • France TV Direct & replay: Works perfectly well :+1:

  • myCANAL: Works perfectly. I use with credentials from my paying Canal account :+1:

  • DS Video: to be able to play my videos from my Synoilogy NAS when I am not at home. If you install from tha Aptoid store, the app is not shown later in the installed apps screen, so I got an older .APK file which I installed manually and it worked fine :+1:

  • VLC Player : Works fine and I use its DLNA functionality to access my Synology NAS when I am at home (easier and quicker to navigate through my videos than DS Video) :+1:

  • Netflix : Works fine :+1:

  • Amazon Prime: Works fine but if you encounter quality issue, change the video quality inside the app from ‘Best’ to ‘Better’ and you will see a difference :+1:

  • SFR TV: Works fine. my daughter uses it with her SFR Box credential and perfect quality :+1:

  • myTF1: you can open the app, it requires you to create an account no pb but then no video can be played or sometimes it even just exits the app :-1:

  • W9: The app does not work and no video is showing. :-1:

  • Twitch: SunnyPRO mentioned that it is not working :-1:

If you have tested some apps which are working or not let me know and I could also maintain it in this main post.



Can you please try to install youtube vanced? It is a add free Youtube version.

The built-in Youtube app (Smart Youtube TV) is ad-free as well and it’s open source :wink:

I would kindly ask people to include at least the following information in bold, if not all of the following:

Service: (what does it do, what is it for)
App Name: (name fo app)
App Version: (version number of app)
Source: (Aptoide Store, web page with URL, etc.)
Status: Working fully / partly / not at all (elaborate in notes if needed)
PPM Firmware version: a.b.c
Full HD: Yes or No
Remote Support: (Works with Standard remote, or tablet / mouse interface)
Notes: anything worth noting about the app, Settings, install procedure.

For instance:

Service: F1 TV
App Name: F1 TV
App Version: (cant remember right now, will edit in a sec)
Source: (cant remember right now, will edit in a sec)
Status: Working partly
PPM Firmware version: 1.0.25
Full HD: Yes
Remote Support: Works with Standard remote
Notes: app shows a rotated portrait screen until a video (stream) is selected, which is then shown properly in landscape orientation.

This will help everyone much better. Just stating “I got Youtube working in 4K HDR Premium” doesn’t help if we don’t know which version of the app you got from where and got in running on what FW revision.


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I live in te Netherlands and I have had the Pico Pic Max now for almost two weeks I believe. I’m really happy with it, even though the software could be better and I pray we’ll get GMS certification.
My PPM is running version 1.0.25

Apps I’m using the most:
Service: Browser
App Name: Google Chrome
App Version: 80.0.3987.87
Status: Almost fully working, just no possibility to login to Google, which is a shame.

Service: File explorer/Wireless file editor
App Name: X-plore
App Version: 4.18.12
Status: Fully working, including the WiFi server which makes it THE easiest way to get APKs, movies and other files to your PPM from your computer.

Service: Spotify
App Name: Spotify
App Version: 1.24.0
Status: Fully working, even keeps playing music in the background when I’m using other apps

Service: Torrent streaming Popcorn Time
App Name: Popcorn Time
App Version: 0.2.9
Status: I know, I know. It’s not the way you should watch stuff. But sometimes it just works, like a charm, with subtitles and everything.

Service: TV Streaming KPN iTV
App Name: KPN iTV
App Version: 6.5.9
Status: Fully working, although sometimes crashes. Got it working by side loading Google Account Manager, Google Services Framework and Google Play Services.

I’ve tried my best to get Disney+ running, but haven’t had any success. I’ve got to the point where I can login, but after logging in it crashes.


Great post @alexh, thanks for using the template I provided earlier! It makes it sooooo much easier to understand what works and what doesn’t. :+1:
Just missing the info on where you sourced the apps from but I guess we’ll have to search for them if not provided.

Even for non working apps like Disney+ the same template could be useful, if ever it starts to work we’ll be able to tell which version/source/firmware level didn’t / now does work

Hi @IvoGrijt,

As said before in this forum, apkpure seems to be a good source if the app is not on the Aptoide store.

I will look at it this evening, but as said by @kugiigi below, there could be an apkpure app in the Aptoide store which could then allow us to install apps without having to do it manually :


Well, I’ve tested yesterday what was said by @kugiigi and can confirm that it worked :

  • We can find the app “apkpure” in the Aptoide store (better to install the version 3.xx).
  • As the app is launched vertically, it needs to be forced to landscape by an app, like the one proposed by kuiigi. A bit tricky to give authorizations to it (I’m an iOS user and novice in Android), but finally it’s OK.
  • Then in apkpure you can search for an app and install it.
  • You can manage easily apps installed (even those not installed thru it) in order to update or remove them.

Next step will be to identify in which fields Apkpure could be better than Aptoide.
I thought I would find a wider variety of applications, but ultimately so far I have always found what I was looking for in Aptoide (even Apkpure app :wink:).

Maybe Android fans and seasoned users could help :+1:t2: ?

Additional alternative app store :wink:
This is one is a lot closer to Play Store in terms of UI and I think same APK source? (not really sure)


Hello guys,
we have tested the Microsoft Office apps on our samples. It is working fine and even the sign in works.
Also OFFICESUITE is working


You can also download the apk from the synology website. Even the Android TV version works fine, except it doesn’t show on the launcher. I guess another of those instances @Philips_Support_P already knows about.

I’ve found that the app Set Orientation works perfectly for this. I used it to get the APKpure app horizontal. This is the .apk I used.

Edit: I used the wrong link, this is the correct app

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