Battery percentage sticks to 76% after charging whole night

to my memory it was burning solid blue (after a night of charging from depleted to what the PPM thinks is full). But I’ll do another test run tomorrow to be sure. (deplete battery, wait, charge while turned off)

Hi @Diffrenzy this is a hardware fault with either the battery, charging circuitry, charger, charging cable, or the wall outlet. Once you’ve ruled out the last one, you can ask for a warranty replacement.


Thanks @Philips_Support_P. I have ruled out outlet plug and usb cable, by testing another usb cable, and multilple outlets, with no change in behaviour.

How and where do I start the replacement proces, and for how long time will I be without my Picpix Max?

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I have sent an email to

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After about 12 hours of charging overnight, the red and blue led is still flashing. Am I expecting a blue permanent light after how many hours of charging?


Same exactly here.
I ve sent a message to support

I received my Picopix Max in early January and used it for a few times in my office until late January when I had to work from home. Recently I was back to my office and I found that my projector cannot be fully charged (stuck at 64% charged). As a result it never has enough power for me to use it for a one-hour presentation. Anyone encountered the same issue?

Have you updated the firmware since getting back to the office?
If so, to what version?
If not, what version is it on currently?

I have filled out my return form a week ago. When will I hear from Phillips regarding pickup?
I’m unsure of @IvoGrijt s role in this, but I think I read somewhere, that we are supposed to tag him on return issues, so there…

I just received my PPM. Upgraded to 1.1.02.
i have exactly the same problem.
red/blue alternating after charging “fully”, with battery indicator saying anywhere 82%, 86%, 90%, 100% (the 100% one was reached when charging the projector while its in use).

the battery life seems to be ok overall. while it goes down from 86-60% quite slowly, 60%-0% happened faster.

I hope this is a firware/software issue that can be fixed with an update?


It has now been more than 2 weeks since I filled out my return form, and I have not gotten a pickup notice.

What is going on here?

I don’t handle the defective return shipments, I help out in the handling of units that are returned to sender due to whatever reasons, so basically in the fulfillment phase of the campaign. You’re in the aftersales / post-fulfillment part of the campaign, and unfortunately I haven’t been trained or assigned to do that part of the tasks.

I can however ask my colleague who does to pick up your ticket and follow up on it, what’s your ticket number?

Thanks @IvoGrijt, my ticket number is 22048 .

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@Philips_Support_P out of interest… can the batter be replaced in the PPM fairly easily? I haven’t looked at the specs, but assume its a normal Lithium Ion battery? I know this is premature at the moment… but will become an issue in a couple of years time


It looks like a fairly standard battery pack… with thanks to Paul Bruss for his disassembly

@Philips_Support_P will Screeneo sells these battery packs if and to the extent that the batter needs replacing?


I have now been contacted by the pickup company by phone, they are picking up tomorrow.

@IvoGrijt : Please note that emails ( return label and invoice ) apparently had been sent to a Hong Kong email address, and not to me, therefore I only have them, because I found out during the phone call. and had them re-mailed to me.

[EDIT] Now I got the email from philips, Pico packed and ready for pickup.


I’ll look into why that happened, don’t have an explanation ready for you.

Glad it will be picked up now.

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The Hong Kong email address, might be a misread from the DHL guy on the phone, since I get the correct email from phillips a few hours later.


Okay, no matter then, what’s important is that it’s now been arranged finally.

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@IvoGrijt My returned Picopix, has now safely landed in Hong Kong.

Is it possible for you to investigate when I can expect the replacement unit?
Many thanks in advance.