Chromecast not working after v1.2.1 update

Before the v1.2.1 update I was able to use Chrome (from the PC) to cast things to the Projector, it was found in the devices list proposed from the browser and all was working ok, but after the last firmware update the Projector is not found anymore.

I had a read at the announcement forum and I’m not sure what was changed but seems related to Miracast, and my network card doesn’t support Miracast.

Is there some (secret) option I can change to make Chromecast work as before ?
Or my only choice is to reflash to a previous version of the Firmware ?


The issue was not related to the firmware update, but to a fault of my network.
Sometimes the access point seems unable to let connected devices see each others, and when this happens I just have to reconnect them to the network.