Disney+ only SD-content playable

Hello everyone,

since the update of Disney+ on the 1st of May, playing HD and 4K content isn’t possible anymore with the app on the Screeneo U5. I´m getting an error message all the time and the app jumps back to the Disney+ start screen.

Also the latest update today (May, 11th) couldn’t get it back to work. I contacted the D+ support now several times and got the answer, that the Screeneo U5 isn’t officially supported…

So, what can now be done to get Disney+ HD and 4K content back to work? At the moment I can only watch old cartoons on Disney+.

Thanks for your suggestions in advance.

Hello @Mister_M3780 thank you for reporting the problem. Let me check and get back to you.

Hi Philips Support,

I already am in contact with the support team. In the meantime I could figure out that this is an issue with Bluetooth audio and surround sound content in the Disney+ app. All other apps seem to work fine. So I think the error lies on Disney’s side.