"Forgotten" Backers

I have not received a projector, or any shipping information, and I am not on any shipping lists.

My Contribution ID is : 1606

I’ve submitted 4 inquires through the support@screeneo.com (as is listed in the email updates) and have not had a reply in over 2months (inquires #18189, #19330, #21131, #22287). So I’m posting here now.

Thanks for any help,


I don’t seem to be on any list but i hope something is on its way to me, I also think I have a duplicate tracking number and its not showing up on DHL parcel (I know the projector is in the UK but I can’t get any further info… Please can you helo @IvoGrijt? This is for a replacement of a defective unit.

ID: 429

Kind regards,


Good evening,
I have a contribution ID through Indiegogo 21542. It is not listed in the spreadsheet. Attached is my verification from Indiegogo Please verify that I would still receive a projector soon.

Thank you.

Where can I find this spreadsheet?

Hi, @IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_T

I have raised a support ticket under #24785 but any help would be appreciated. DHL have advised as the shipping number was re-used they are unable to deliver my package and will be sending it back. This is hugely frustrating as this is a replacement unit (steve you were very helpful last time so hoping you can help again).

Kind regards,


I was waiting patiently all this time. But now I see that there is a “final list” and I still don’t see my contribution ID on it.

Also when I registered to Backerkit I sent an email for my Backerkit ID, and never got any answer… (It was 2 months ago!)

So I don’t know my Backerkit number.

Should I worry?

Hello Valentin,
I just looked at your tracking number and you are clearly listed as the receiving party. And I can’t see anything unusual. Have you tried to call DHL?
Since you are the receiver of the shipment, you should be able to work it out with DHL.

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Hi Steve,

Thank you for your speedy response. I have and this was the response i got:

“Hi Valentin, apologies for the issues you’re having with this order. It appears that the sender has reused a shipment number from a delivery that was made earlier in the year. Due to this your parcel will not be able to be delivered and will need to be returned. The original parcel details don’t match yours and has already been delivered so our system wouldn’t be able to recognise this as needing delivery. I would advise contacting the sender and either requesting a refund for the parcel or that they re-ship it on a brand new tracking number as they should have done originally as otherwise the same issue will happen again. Regards, Rebecca”

Kind regards,


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Some packages made it to the backers despite these issues, as DHL printed out a new label for the packages to counter this issue. But other DHL regions may handle these cases differently, and apparently yours is being handled differently.

I saw your ticket and am working on it Valentin.

1 Like

Thank you! Hopefully we can get the issue resolved! The package as far as my tracking will go is in the UK so just needs the final push to get here!

Looking forward to any progress we can make together.

Thank you @Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt


@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_T

I have updated my support ticket with below info also (24785). I have tried to push DHL but they are standing firm:

“Hi Valentin. As advised by my colleague Rebecca your shipment number has already been used previously which means we are unable to see your details. Please contact your sender to resolve this for you. Thanks, Andrea”

As I assume this is time sensitive (before DHL proceed to return this package) it would be appreciated if some movement on this issue can be picked up. I need Philips to contact DHL as I cannot push anything through on my end.

Looking forward to your response.

Kind regards,


I ordered mine back in Sept 2019 and still haven’t received it or a tracking number.
My contribution ID is #11989. Any information would be appreciated.

Thank you

Finally my order has arrived. Thanks a lot.

I feel like these messages just go into the Ether but I’ll keep posting anyways.

I got tracking information on June 30th and it still does not show up on DHL’s website. Why would this happen? Was it actually shipped?

Hi Indiegogo 21575. Should I be on a list??



Hi, My contribution ID is 11968

Cant access any of the lists and no shipping ID has been given.


Hi IvoG,

I don’t find myself in any of these lists.
Indiegogo ID: 5312.
Name: Louison Besozzi

Thank you

Could you please tell me the status of
Indiegogo contribution #12545
Order Number - #11596831
I havent received updates for long.
Thank you


I posted here in the forum 20 days ago and did not get any feedback so far.
Writing an support@screeneo.com several times over the last months did not work either.
When can I expect the shipment of the product?

Contribution ID: 7989


I’m still waiting for a reply to support@screeneo.com.
My backer number is 18777
@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_T
