General info about shipment and manufacturing

We prefer to give you now update everyday so you see what is the status


@Philips_Support_N as many other people keep saying, that’s a really evasive answer. The question is rather simple.

Are you, or are you not still on track to have everything shipped by the 10th of April?

No, they were estimating / planning to according to estimates they were given on how many workers would come in, and that their work would be at a certain speed and of a certain quality. This has however not proven to be accurate or correct enough, so instead of giving estimates that may vary they now update us daily as they get the updates themselves.

But in any case they were not supposed to have like you say, they’re not personally doing the work and are also bound by what others manage to achieve.

Please have a little bit more patience and understanding, soon yours will be with you and all will be forgiven if not forgotten. :blush:

That’s still more than a month away, and we’ve only had one week since reopening of the factories. Their previous estimates were all proven wrong so far due to exterior forces, so why would you want them to make yet another one?

The way I see it, the team on this forum will keep showing up for work in their Swiss offices or wherever, chasing after the factories in China for info, production volume, and quality, and informing us on a daily basis now. They will also keep working on the return situation, arranging refunds for those who request those, while also doing all the other work they usually do. More than that can not humanly be expected from them I feel. Regardless of how things went so far, they’re still trying to bring this amazing projector to all who backed it within a reasonable time.

Es como el dicho: el hombre propone, y Dios dispone! :pray:t5:


I can see that comment is going to “stick” :joy:


@Philips_Support_N Please can you confirm who these 500 units are shipping too? Will all forgotten EU backers be sent in this batch? Backer #3333 UK

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Think this is great and would prefer this. Would much rather know daily what process it is at then we should have X by Y date which can easily change.

Only ask is that as you start shipping can you list regions you are shipping to? Being in Canada I know I am not part of the first few shipments to go out based on priority but would love to know if it is worth checking backer kit or not.


Factory number 2: 1000 pieces passed QC. They will proceed to the packing tomorrow.


So that’s 1500 projectors in total heading out shortly? That’s gonna make a lot of people very happy!

Hey Mate will it head towards us the aussi backers???

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Hi Nono and everyone!
Thank you for this excited news!
Could you please let me know how many backers total were already delivered?
I am backer 8xxx and I would like to approximately know when my pico would be shipped

Factory number 2 seems a better bet than number one, just looking at the photos of the two factory’s you can see the difference and judging by the number they are producing seem to be on it, is there anyway to transition to factory 2 in the long term.?

I also like the daily small update rather than a big bang estimation as things are changing daily. Helps me realign my expectations when I get inquisitive.

with 1500+ ready to ship this week, I think all the following groups should be covered.

  • All backers with issues (broken AF…) will have their replacement PicoPix Max shipped first
  • All forgotten backers below 4000
  • Next are our friends from AU/NZ

@Philips_Support_N: Please cleanup the announcement section as some of the information is quite old now (maybe once you ship the next batch)


I hope so :slight_smile: I never waited so long for a good… but it is exciting ahah.
#3570 from Switzerland

We are probably the last to be shipped, dear eidgenoss, since we are not EU. We are handled seperately. :woman_shrugging:t3:

So just to get it right. 500 from factory 1 plus 1000 from factory 2 plus 700 that were ready before that totals 2200. Or the 700 ready are included in the 1000?

Also can you tell us how many you produce per day? Is it 500 or 1000?

Instead of replying and filling these threads with unnecessary comments, please read carefully. PhilipsNono already addressed this: the 700 pieces are included in the 1000 pieces from factory #2.

Workers are still flying in, so it is tough to estimate how many they can produce per day; on top of that, they are still learning to do this efficiently and effectively without returning it for QA. Give them at least 2-3 weeks to establish a consistent workflow.

EXAMPLE: you just built a new IKEA drawer from scratch in 2 hours, would it be fair to ask you right away how many you think you can build/produce per day? You’d guess 8 hours / 2 hours = 4 units/day. But what happens if 1 unit is faulty and has to be fixed? What if you get sick? What if your friends come and help you out? Suddenly your estimate of 4 units/day is no longer accurate, it could range from x to x units/day.

Would you be satisfied to hear this from Philips? No not at all, it only sets up for disappointment. Let the workers do their job, over time the number of units they can produce will be somewhat consistent; by that time, you don’t need to ask Philips, you can just derive it from actual data (e.g. if Philips reports about 400 units done for 7 consistent days, you can safely assume that on day 8 they will have another 400) .


I think one of the reasons for all the questions about those 700 units is that it’s very hard to keep track on the progress based on the numbers given. The numbers don’t seem to add up.

Based on your quote there should have been 950 packed ones at the 3rd of march that was ready for QC but two days later, on the 5th there were only 500 waiting for QC.

Also a bit confusing about which order they are doing the packaging and the QC. Last week it seemed that they did the packaging first but now it seems like they are doing QC and then the packaging. Might be because the problems the discovered at the first QC though…


  • Shipment for the 500 pieces will be for forgotten ones + people that received a broken device + backers in order
  • Shipment for the 1K: AU/NZ
    Shipment should happen Wednesday or Thursday.
    We also remind that as soon as we give you the tracking number, some days could happen between what you see on DHL account and what is really happening.

@ PhilipsNono If you will send orders not by backer ID but by countries and regions, can you please tell about shipments order by country. Which is the order of countries, alphabet order or what?

AU/NZ is a bit different cause the SKU is different: there is one more plug inside.