General info about shipment and manufacturing

What about shipment that was supposed to be sent 10th may?
@Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N


Hello I finally received mine😏
It was one month of patience after they send it!

Picture quality is not what expected! Netflix app seems to be a web version and is not very responsive not easy to use! Fan is still noisy after updating to v1.1. Sound is very low!

It was a bit of disappointment! Maybe I had higher expectations from the pictures and videos published from screeneo!

I would suggest to find a way of improving picture quality, sound and Netflix app to be native!

Armando, the Netflix app is the official one, the same you can find on the playstore.
Can you explain a bit more concerning the image quality

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My Backerkit id: 15588037
Location Country: India

I am seeing the following sequence in the List 3. Why my backerkit id is missing?


you will be in the next one. 1K to be QC tomorrow

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A post was merged into an existing topic: It’s here! - First Impressions and Thoughts

No, cause the Backerkit ID has no correlation to backing order, as people who backed much later may have filled in their Backerkit surveys before others who
backed earlier.

PhilipsNono already answered that you will be in the next list, so fortunately you don’t have that long to wait anymore. I just thought I’d explain that the Backerkit ID numbers don’t reflect the shipping order so you don’t have to wonder about that or feel left out.

reminder plz

Morning Guys,

Hope everyone is safe and well, @Philips_Support_N any word if List 3 PPM has been dispatched yet?

If so, when does it usually does the status in Backer Kit get updated and tracking number become available? Really excited! lol! :crazy_face:


Please see the News section and the summary there. The table is updated with dates, numbers and everything. It should be tomorrow.

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Hi @Vin, Hope you’re well this morning, thanks, I constantly check this for any new news hehe, was just hoping to hear that shipment has happened @Philips_Support_N? and any other news regarding List 3. :slight_smile:

Any news on shipping to Malta? My ID is 15583297 but not in the last list.

Any estimation would be appreciated as most of the backers are now receiving.

It’s the third time i am asking, just a simple reply please.

This was most recent update regarding all remaining order for PPM

Morning @IvoGrijt,

Hope you’re well this morning, this appears to be missing from news from @Philips_Support_N on 9th

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


The rest of israel backers will also be included in this batch ?

Still no news on the April 10th batch? @Philips_Support_N I’m kind of disappointed that some posts aren’t answered to at all? What’s the problem in at least commenting that Philips is dealing with it and admitting that there actually is a problem… If that has been the case already, I apologize, but I don’t have the time to read all 3000 comments in this thread.
Well, has my parcel gone missing? Is it still stuck in customs?
Maybe I can get an answer now. Thank you.

Backerkit ID: 15591016

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Any update regarding yesterday’s flight? When can we expect tracking number?


where can i find this file ? Link to List 3 is without any date and additional information

Which Link are you referring to?

The way I do the News summary is that I quote PhilipsNono in posts that are important, and sometimes quote others if relevant for the context.

For the Lists I always link to the thread How to find your Backerkit ID

Then in that thread I always link back to where PhilipsNono actually posted the link to the actual list in Excel format or otherwise. This way he only has to worry about posting (and possibly editing) the information once, I just pick it up from wherever it’s posted. This way also preserves all questions, follow-ups, or other related commentary near the original post.

But I’ve been thinking of other ways to make the information available, possibly by having both the direct link and the news update by PhilipsNono.

i have updated the prediction

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