General info about shipment and manufacturing

Regarding List 3 : We will try to reship on the 18th of May, as the flight on the 10th was cancelled.


Where r u located

So nothing was ship yesterday ?

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not yet. All will be shipped with the 1200


Aww Iā€™m Crushed at latest Bad News! :sob: @Philips_Support_N was hoping to get mine on time for my 40th Birthdayā€¦ 18th now, kinda tight, to arrive on time :pleading_face: for the Big 40!


So we have bad news why info is so late everyone waiting for this information and asked many times before. How itā€™s possible that flight was cancelled you didnā€™t find other space on other flight ? You didnā€™t want to send it ? Sorry for asking I would like to understand it


Btw you gave us information like nothing was happened :astonished::sleepy:

actually nothing happened! Nothing shipped. :sigh:

I must ask for an address change!!! Iā€™ll write to

damntā€¦!!! On 31 May Iā€™ll be Retired so my work address will be not more validā€¦



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Hey @Philips_Support_N.
Going by your assessment my perk ID #164278ƗƗ should be constructed by the end of may?

donā€™t worry we will change it!


@Philips_Support_Nā€¦ Will the remaining Singapore backers be covered in this batch? Thanks!

Hi Nono, my backer ID is 16672689. I was emailed it will reach me in May, but itā€™s already mid May but I have yet to receive any news. Please advise me please?


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Cindy did you send an email ?

Thanks for the very prompt responseā€¦i think you just set a new world record for fastest response :smile::grin:


Yes I did, but nobody replied me back :confused:

I received an email reply stating that it will be in May, and so I replied to ask which date of May will I receive, but nobody replied me after.

Hey Guys,

Reminder of the News: List 3 has NOT Shipped Yet! As Expected on Sunday 10th May as @Philips_Support_N confirms :

And confirms the New shipment date of Monday 18th May! When 1200 is to ship

That specific a date cannot be given right now unfortunately, as was mentioned just a few posts above yours, even the flight for the shipment of List 3 which was supposed to leave yesterday was cancelled and rescheduled for the 18th, next week Monday.