General info about shipment and manufacturing

I have the same, the tracking number being displayed for my second perk with Contribution ID 21014 is actually the tracking number for the first perk, as my second perk with such a high Contribution ID is nowhere near even being made let alone shipped.
So good question indeed about what’s happened with the lower Contribution ID’s perk.


Im also from israel and i didnt received any email. For how many people from israel did you sent tracking numbers?

@Philips_Support_N what happened to the flight on 11th from Hong Kong for the EU ? did this flight leave as scheduled?

He already answered this earlier today:


Thanks for all your hard work Philips! Are there any good news for Thailand yet?

yes we shipped some units already: 85 units shipped over 143

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Can this link be accessible for everyone? Maybe the produced numbers also?

two weeks ago the number produced was 6900.

Here is, by country, of how many backers we already shipped to (SHIPPED), how many Backers are ready to have their perk shipped to them (need to be manufactured and shipped) (Ready to Ship), and Blank (need more info, backer never replied to Backerkit survey…)

NOTE : you need to click on the image to have it expand to the full image that was posted, the first image has all the countries up to China for instance.

Ready to Ship means that we have all the information needed to ship to those backers, but not necessarily have their perks ready just yet.


Oke, this is super.


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Story of my nation’s life… We’re so small, we’re always left out of all the statistics :’) (Malta)


you are inside this list.

Hello Nono,

So “ready_to_ship”, is not yet manufactured but still to be sent, I understood well ?

Thank you in advance

Backer 1986

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Oh, my bad! Didn’t click on the screenshot, thought the preview was the whole image!


Okok thanks, right now with all the issues for sending products to Europe and America, would it be possible to send the projectors to the countries close to China, (and China in my situation^^) ?
Thank you in advance.

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yes we will ship to China! It’s easy for us.


I think I already asked you but unfortunately didn’t get the answer. It is kinda regular question you get every day from people any update in this backer ID 16710250.

Thank you

I also see a status Open in the lists. What’s the case there?

Also: what’s your plan for dealing with Blank backers?

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Open and Blank: people never replied to their backerkit email: backerkit is sending an email everyweek.