ID List of unfortunate ones: EU & IndieGogo ID < #4188 ONLY

yes :slight_smile: added a few unofficially by scrolling through threads

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#3565 germany

#498, SE/Sweden

ID 4052 France FR

#3437 GB/United Kingdom

#3311, DE/Germany

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My IGG no. is #3846 UK / GB

#3700 GB / United Kingdom

#3330 France

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#3344, NL/The Netherlands

#2820, FR/France
#3062, FR/France

#3396 Ireland

#1719, FR/France


id# 2109 ES / SPAIN

#362, NL/The Netherlands

#1071 Belgium

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

#4041 GB/United Kingdom

#3939, UK /Great Britain.