ID List of unfortunate ones: EU & IndieGogo ID < #4188 ONLY

#3141 United Kingdom / Great Britain

I see I’m already on the list but in cursive, so hereby i confirm my contribution ID 3926 (BE/Belgium) is also affected.

#3541, DE/Germany

#299, FR/France

#700, FR/France

´#1642, Spain

Not sure but in the backerkit website, I do have 2 DHL tracking numbers and it shows that 'your address has been locked" and “your order has shipped”.
Does this still means I am part of the unfortunate one or the lucky one who will receive it soon ?

You have 2 packages incoming, therefore you have 2 separate DHL tracking numbers, correct? If backerkit says your order has been shipped, you should receive it soon. Just wait for the next update when it arrives in Germany and gets scanned. DHL will then proceed delivering your package from their warehouse to your house. I’ll remove you for now, let me know how things go :wink:

Great, thanks a lot Faded, can’t wait :grinning:

#2575, NL/The Netherlands

@Philips_Support_N Can you guarantee that we can receive our products on the next batch?

#1099, FI/Finland

#3731, GB/United Kingdom

Please send ASAP. Thanks!

#4128, Spain

#3720 Germany

1487 fron spain, and no news!

French Backer 18XX, no news since last update.
No tracking number either …

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Contributor #79
I’m located in Italy but no yet received any tracking. Can you kindly let me know?

Contributor #79
I’m located in Italy but no yet received any tracking. Can you kindly let me know?

I am backer 257 and have heard nothing about receiving my item. Please can ypu let me know the reason.