Late delivery (made me wait all day! Gits!l
First impressions, great build quality from the unit, surprisingly heavy (I’m handling it like a newborn child currently)
Remote is terrible in IR only mode, adequate in bluetooth mode, just a bit cheap - but actually does the job fine.
Tripod is a ‘get you by’ item, I’ll upgrade it pretty quickly.
Updated the firmware, paired the remote, remembered NOT to update Netlfix and MxPro.
In a room with medium ambient light, the output was good, I honestly had no idea what mode it was in, but as it was plugged in and the fans were quite audible, I’m guessing possibly presentation mode (?)
Netlfix works fine - Plex works fine, although it was a PITA to enter UN’s and Passwords while the app was in portrait mode, on its side! But fine now in ‘TV mode’
So far so good fellas, well done.
@Philips_Support_P still some work to do software wise, but not bad, not bad at all