Netflix or prime video

Hello I’m not able to project from my laptop using picopix projector. I’m trying to view movies from Netflix and or prime videos is there security preventing me from screening anything. Any advice will be helpful. Thanks

Yes it’s a copyright protection

Hello Sargey and welcome.
Could you describe how you are connecting your PPM to your laptop please ?

Also what is the symptom/behavior preventing you from viewing movies ? Do you get amy error message(s) at all ?

How is.your PPM recognized by your OS ? Which OS are you running on the laptop too.

Hey Jds

Thanks for getting back.

I’m connecting to my laptop via USB port.
The PPM is recognised on the OS on the media player.

I hope I’ve understood the terminology your using as I’m not that techno’ savvy.

I am able to mirror the same image of the laptop upto the point of projecting the movie. There’s no error message just a blank screen although movie is showing on the laptop.
Thanks Dave

Hello Dave,

TL;DR : switch to an HDMI cable and you will be up and running in no time.

Thanks for your reply. Confirming you are hitting the builtin protections of Netflix/Prime Videos as your PPM is recognized as a media player and not just as a projector (or an external monitor if your prefer)

Therefore as the presence of another OS is detected that could possibly infer intercepting and copying the stream while in-flux the apps are programmed to simply not stream.



Is there a reason you’re not using the Netflix and Prime apps on the projector itself?

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Thanks for the info.