Powering Fire TV Stick through USB-port

Hi @Philips_Support_P any test updates ?

Hi @Philips_Support_P @Philips_Support_2 has this been checked as you have mentioned? can you help check and update on this ?

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Hi @Palak The USB2.0 port is a standard data transfer port, as such it supplies only up to 500 mA. The FireTV requires 1 A in most cases. The same is true if you want to connect external hard drives instead of USB sticks.

Hi @Philips_Support_P are you saying that i wont be able to use HDD via USB ?

(since there are ppl saying Fire Stick TV works for some and not for others, i will check once i have my ppm)

Hi @Palak you can of course use it, if it can be powered from one USB2.0 port (i.e. requires max 500 mA current). If it requires more power, please use a power supply or a powered USB hub to connect it to PicoPix Max.

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Closed this topic. As FireTV stick 4K works on USB for power