Shipping to Europe

you did not get the joke. you need to differentiate europe from european union. norway and switzerland are quite a part
of europe they are not a part of european union. when you say europe every european contributor jumps from excitement and then gets disappointed. so european union not europe.

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If i’ve read it correctly there is also another batch send out tomorrow

Yes, in this case you are not included in this batch.

Sinisa, I’m almost proud that by this point my inner Screeneo translator catches these things before I misunderstand them :joy:

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OK, thank you for informations…

Any news about UK deliveries? I’m still waiting for a shipping number

As already repeatedly stated here, a batch is being shipped to EU for backers till Contributor ID 4188
Backers will receive the shipping numbers from Backerkit as soon as the DHL tracking number are there and imported into Backekit.

@Liersi do so too but it should anyway be corrected. people are watching every move


I am backer 4720. Is this the next batch, and when will it be shipped?



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You will be in second batch. First batch not yet shipped by now (but should be pretty soon). For you it means probably after cny.

@Philips_Support_N can you clarify if there is a second batch shipped to EU before CNY? I have seen that you are sending the next 500-700 to Australia.
This is very important because after CNY will mean over a month of delay…

Yes we hope so, sunday maybe


i am backer no. 33. When will i get it in germany?

how many more months would the total production be completed by? & all shipped out? as stated on indiegogo, are you aiming to ship by the end of february? over 14k

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Since the first batch is shipped today or tomorrow, the warehouse is in Germany and the shipment is done with DHL, I would say soon.

I think im one of the last ones, who will get the PPM …Contribution ID-16149, but im ok with that :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, what will happen if those numbers won’t be provided? I don’t see any reason for this to be a blocker.

Nothing. We have them now :slight_smile:

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Does that mean we will get our tracking numbers tonight? :slight_smile:

Contribution ID (Indigogo) is below 1000 vs Backer # (Backerkit) that’s over 5000

Which one is used for sending out PPM?

Just so I understand if I’m part of the EU Batch or not, can’t see any shipping status update on Backerkit