shipping to Hungary


I have the backer kit number 15586866. I ve already paid in November 2019. Now 9-10 months ago. Since then no shipping and to tell you the truth I can’t find myself in any excel sheets. Can you send me the projector, or it is already sent, or can I get my money back?

In this moment my address has benn locked and nothing happened since 27 November 2019. Las update on my backer kit account 23 July. My patience is lost

I need feedback ASAP


Same with me… I wrote to the forgotten backers thread more than 2 months ago. I haven’t recieved any response… :frowning: Not a word… Since then I posted several comments …maybe they forgot my original post in the forgotten backers thread… But i never recieved any answer from anyone, ever!

Hello Guys, we will ship 2 products from the Germany warehouse

Thank you please let me know the result I m getting confused…

Philips Projection via Philips Projection <> (időpont: 2020. aug. 31., H, 13:15) ezt írta:

Hello, thanks. What is the expected shipping time?

Hi I got a tracking number CB796027987DE since 2nd of September. Can you provide more info? since then just

" The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically"

any changes?
