Shipping to Mother Russia. New tax has arising

2 posts were split to a new topic: Shipping to Mother Russia - kuskovich

Кто-нибудь получил проектор в России? Или я один в игноре?

Hello, @Philips_Support_N, @Philips_Support_N

Send me invoice for 180$ for UPS customs declaration please in


hi @kuskovich, I have sent you the document yesterday. I hope it works fine. Let me know if you have other difficulties with the shipment.

Hi Kristina,
have you any news for me?

Hi Daniil, we have not received any update from local UPS. Every time we call them they tell us they have not received an update from the Russian office. I have sent you the document saying that we paid the tax. I wonder if you have declared any other value to local UPS?

First time I send them screenshot my mail from Indiegogo with 519 euro

Hi Kristina,

I am afraid that UPS Russia or custom can penalty me. Cause there are passed about 4 week from first mail from UPS broker. And they said me that every day i need to pay about 5-10$ for storage my cargo.

ps: sorry my English

Hi @kuskovich , I am really sorry but it looks like we cannot help you as you provided UPS with the price over 200 EUR. We have put a lower price, sent it DDP, so you could avoid additional payments. But you, as a receiver, provided them with the higher price we cannot do much about it…

Hi @Philips_Support_T

what should i do now to receive my parcel?

Hi @kuskovich, please contact local UPS for the options. I am really sorry, but we cannot influence your situation, as I have already mentioned before.

Hi @Philips_Support_T, local UPS manager say me that parcel go to the sender in nearest time. Should I waiting for the new PicoPix Max in this case? Other options?

Hi @kuskovich , why didn’t you pick it up? As discussed earlier, there was nothing wrong from our side. VAT is an obligatory tax.
Once it is returned, we can send it back to you again, but this time we will need you to pay for the shipping and the tax will still be there especially when the customs already had one projector in your name. So it will be impossible to avoid.

ok, I understand you.

I’ll try to pick it up tomorrow

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Hi @Philips_Support_T , I still waiting my gadget…

Local UPS manager say me that they destroy it :frowning:

Dear community user,

For effective chase up on this matter or further assistance, I recommend that you follow it via our CS support platform in Zendesk,

If possible please use your ticket #31840,

Kind Regards

Can you give me link to Zendesk?

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