V1.0.27 beta available for download

OTA says 1.0.27beta is the latest release. So no update available.

Done, I quoted most of the FW update announcement but left out the detailed explanation of the most important fixes, linked back to the annoucement for the details.

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Server was getting hammered as expected. Please try again, or try an offline update.

I still find it weird that requesting 1.0.21 (as is done in the offline update post) downloads the latest OTA, but it just works I guess

It’s not requesting 1.0.21, it’s telling the OTA server that it is itself 1.0.21 and to provide the correct upgrade package for this version. This way we can control (server side) who gets which update file.

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Same here today, will try again later (And as a last Ressort the Offline update this evening)

Odd, as my photo shows, it worked afterwards. Perhaps the server was getting overloaded agains when you retried?

Second OTA Update attempt also doesn’t worked, so I did the offline update now.

I successfully updated the Firmware to 1.0.27 8 hours ago OTA from the beta version to the release version.

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