Working Smart IPTV app

Many of us using IPTV, and one of the most popular apps is Smart IPTV, or GSE.
If you can add Smart IPTV app to the supported apps on the projector it will be a great add for many users.

Hi! Do you have a m3u link from your IPTV provider? I tried the app IPTV Extreme and it works great. Also Perfect Player work.

Unfortunately no, the provider add the list direct online, thats why he is using smart IPTV.

I’m using IPTV Smarters and it works a treat with my IPTV provider

@Akhmad_Sabah could you please rename the thread and rewrite the post into an actual suggestion or proposal? You’re asking people to support or vote on something but to me there’s no clear proposal to vote on.


I rewrote the post

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