Discussion: Software Update v1.0.25

Beside I can’t update, the Picopix max is creating folders in the usb flash drive. Is this normal? I have attached a photo.

Finally got round to this today

Ran the 60fps Netflix test pattern today

Again noticeably smoother on the roku streaming stick+.

In the top right corner it shows frame rate, it’s has the info:
6960 kbps, 1920x1080, PAR 1:1, 10 bpc, 60.000 fps

On the Internal OS for same pattern it shows
5900 kbps, 1920x1080, PAR 1:1, 8 bpc, 30.000 fps

Am no video expert but maybe someone (@Philips_Support_N? ) can help me understand why there’s this discrepancy?

Jason, please do not unzip the update file. You need to copy the update.zip file itself to the usb drive. Please delete all those folders and copy the file without unzipping. The offline update should work then.

I did not unzip the file. I renamed the file downloaded and copied to the flash drive. When removing the flash drive from the projector and plunged into the computer you can see more files and obviously the projector is creating it. If you look at the picture the is a file name "android " when you open it it has files inside that folder name “amazon.com” I have no idea how this is happening. im very expensive with computers. im not a novice.

Every Android device would make those folders so that is normal. As for the file - what if you keep the original name?

Hi @Jasoninoa, on a Mac, downloaded .zip files (archives) are unzipped automatically. You can temporarily disable it to download the update, by going to Safari > Preferences and turning off the “Open safe files” option before downloading.


I really appreciate your help! It worked! THANKS A LOT!!

Is there a reason why this software update downloads at speeds slower than a 56k modem using the update feature?

Guys, i go to projector setting, but I cannot find software update ?

What speed are you seeing when you go to fast.com on the built-in browser?

It is all the way at the bottom.

Don’t worry. I just downloaded the update and did it offline via SD card. Using the internal software update function it would never have finished.

Am I the only one noticing lots of frame drop on netflix? isn’t smooth regardless of resolution
I am still using Fire Stick which works beautifully
For the rest love the update

Just got my PicoPix Max, and upgraded to 1.0.25. Here are the issues I have run into so far:

– There doesn’t seem to be any way to manually change the keystone angle, other than placing the projector horizontal and going into the settings to reset the horizontal position for keystone correction. If you move the projector, in addition to triggering autofocus, sometimes the keystone angle is automatically adjusted, but sometimes it is not (I think this must use an accelerometer, and has a minimum change of angle before keystone correction is triggered?). So when autofocus is triggered, in addition to allowing the user to press right/left to manually change the focus, please allow the user to press up/down to change the keystone correction amount.

– When typing in Wifi passwords, there is no “Submit” button on the keyboard (I’m pretty sure this is a simple Boolean flag that needs to be set on the text field, for the default action). The keyboard hides the Submit button. So it’s not obvious that to connect to the Wifi router after entering the password, you have to click Back (or something? I didn’t test this) to close the keyboard. In the end the only way I could find to expose the Submit button was to move the projector, which triggered autofocus and closed the keyborard. Also, the keyboard shows numbers above the top row of letter characters, but since there’s no long-hold on the touchscreen on the projector, these are inaccessible, and you have to enter numerical mode to get to the numbers.

– Many UI elements are low-contrast, and/or the font is small, which means that the text is very hard to read unless the room is dark. The worst examples of this I have seen so far are probably the settings screen and the YouTube app first-time start screens, both of which use dark gray on a black background until an icon is selected. This is a bit less of a problem when you use the remote control, since you can just use the D-pad to move through each item, and when you highlight an item and its row, it’s a bit easier to read (although white on light gray or white on light green is not much better) – but it’s a real problem when you’re using the touchpad on the top of the projector, with 2-finger scroll to move through the rows of settings – you can’t see what each icon’s text says unless you’re right in front of the screen, or the room is dark. Please make all UI elements use a high contrast (black and white) theme. You can highlight the currently-selected UI element by inverting the colors and/or putting a box around the current UI element.

– In general the UI is very inconsistent. The system update page uses white-on-blue for the currently-selected button, and uses iOS-style rounded capsule buttons, but elsewhere in the UI square buttons (white on gray or white on black) are used. Font sizes are inconsistent too, etc.

– There are some typos and/or poor English in the UI. Some were fixed in the 1.0.21 to 1.0.25 transition (e.g. in the system update function). But you should do an internationalization review with native speakers of any UI text before major releases.

– The voice search function in YouTube doesn’t work, even though there’s a microphone icon, and the PicoPix Android distro asks for hardware access to the microphone if you try using that function. Is there really no physical microphone, either in the projector or the control? If so, please add this as a wishlist item for future revisions, since typing with a D-pad is a pain in the butt.

– The YouTube app should come pre-configured. The initial launch is a confusing experience, asking you to choose between a number of different profiles, with very little explanation, in addition to a lot of complex and unnecessary configuration options. I tried using the “PRO Alt” configuration initially, and it wanted me to download Crosswalk Project Service, which I had to enable external app installation for, but once downloading and installing it, it informed me that the app for the wrong CPU architecture had been installed, so it didn’t even work. I eventually went back to “PRO Main”, and it worked.

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I just tried using Google Cast to send a video from the YouTube app on my Android phone to the PicoPix Max. The video is not only low in framerate (probably an average of 10fps), but it’s extremely choppy – the framerate is very uneven. The promise of Google Cast support is the entire reason I got this projector, so this is a real shame. I hope it can be fixed in an update.

Also, the PicoPix Max ignores volume control messages from the device that launched the stream. Normally while streaming to a Chromecast device from a phone, the phone’s volume buttons can be used to control the volume of the device that the Chromecast is plugged into (I think via a CEC signal over HDMI). But the PicoPix Max volume has to be controlled via the IR remote, it can’t be controlled from the phone.

I just received my PPM.
I’ve got a lot of problems…
The most important one is :
I’ve made the update and since i’ve done it the screen is distorted as you can see on the picture and the image is blurred
I’ve tried to disable automatic trapeze and enable again and it doesn’t change anything.

What can i do ?

I’ve sent an email to the support, they just answered with a link to download the 1.0.25 update…


Have you tried enabling automatic vertical keystone correction then tilt the projector in random angles and see if the correction take effects?
Then lay it down flat and turn of the automatic settings.

Still the same!


How can we go to android settings ?
I want to remove the sound of the keyboard and i didn’t find the android setting to do it??


Go to Settings >> About and click Software version multiple times until a menu at the right side appears.
Try to look there if there’s such settings. I’m not sure :sweat_smile: