General info about shipment and manufacturing

I’m so waiting for u.s delivery .any update?

looking at your contribution ID number, I think you will be in the end May production batch.

that is correct. It doesn’t cover all backers from all regions yet. Expect another 1200 to be added by end of the week in List3 shipment expected on May 18th.

@Philips_Support_N so what about Russian backers? Russia is not in list you provided before. Just answer - next batch or you don’t know or something, stop ignoring please.

1200 devices are now passing the QC


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: List1 and List2 Backers

@Philips_Support_N will it includes shipment to Qatar?

Backers ID: 15587561

List 5 :crazy_face::man_dancing:t4:

1384 new devices are being QC now. We have 184 extra ones compared to the estimation.
QC passed. Packing starts tomorrow (List 4)


My Backerkit ID was on list 3 but has been removed from the list 3 Update?

Hi @Philips_Support_N I am seeing that units are being manufactured at a very speedy pace, not that i dont like it but i am worried that QC has been done properly , as we have not seen this much output before, i hope you are on top of this and new batch would not have defects.

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Don’t worry, we are still following very strict protocols. We have more 3 production lines now



thanks for the affirmation

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My backer ID is 15586719

When you will post the new list ?



Take your time but please do a stringent QC…Don’t want to go through hassle of /returningreplacing /refunding !


That’s great, thanks !
Finger crossed for tomorrow :crossed_fingers:

Hi @Philips_Support_N can you please check on my query? I seem to have been missed and backers after me are on the list.

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