General info about shipment and manufacturing

Can you please check if this ID 16710250 is among this list.

Thank you

Arrived today in northern Italy. Everythingā€™s works ok. Great piece of hardware. Thank you Philips/Screeneo.

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thanks! do you have a picture?

Sure, but what about shipping to Norway and Switzerland from list 2? Still stuck in Hong Kong, can you please find out what is going wrong with those shipments?

Has anyone from Switzerland or Norway received their projector yet from list #2?

we are checking with DHL in Germany. Mine is still stuck in Germany

Yay! Iā€™m in the new list :slight_smile:


Hey @Philips_Support_N, thanks for keeping us updated with these lists. Itā€™s a big step towards knowing what is going on.

I canā€™t speak for six, but if I understand it correctly, the issue isnā€™t who is on the list. That part is clear. What happens after isnā€™t clear. Flights to EU are usually covered, and people know whatā€™s happening. People from ROW are confused, because there is no information about flights, customs, nothing. If thereā€™s any information about ROW distribution you can share, I think many would be happy.

Norway and CH (including your unit, if I remember correctly!) are confused because they thought they were in that batch sitting in Germany. Thereā€™s no worry about PPMs getting to people. They will, itā€™s all good. But the confusion is unnecessary, it makes people anxious. Can you clear that up?


And by when do you expect an answer? If Iā€™m right you already gave us the same answer in the morningā€¦ Given that they still make some $ with you I would assume they should answer your inquiries rather swiftly.

Me too man.

Not in any of the three lists they provided.

@Philips_Support_N Iā€™m so happy to see that iā€™m in the latest list :slight_smile:

But i have sent an email the 30th april ( about a changment of delivry locality (in the same department in France), because as soon as possible, I will move.
Could you be change my delivery address to be sure that it will not be lost ?
Thanks a lot for your hardworking :slight_smile:

ID Indiegogo : 13056
ID backerkit : 15586478

List has 2691 numbersā€¦ does this mean only 963 were added from next batch or are you still updating the list?

Make 1000-1500 per week of what @Philips_Support_N?

donā€™t forget that we are not counting the number of backers but the number of product. Eg: a batch of 1000 devices could be attributed to 890 backers because some of them bought 2/3/5 devices.


oh right. thanks for the clarity.

Also, Do we have India back on the list? Seems DHL site is now delivering to India.

Ahhh, nopeā€¦Iā€™m not in the list :frowning: Only one 15583*** ā€¦shame :slight_smile:

Thanks for the updated lists @Philips_Support_N. I have a question of understanding: Can you explain to me why some neighboring Backerkit IDs with shipping destination to Germany are on the list and mine arenā€™t?

Arenā€™t all shipments from one country bundled together? If not, when can I expect my delivery?

ID Indiegogo : 11204
ID backerkit : 15587854

Many thanks!

Hi @djupsjob, yes, DHL indicates direct from Hong Kong to Switzerland.

Backerkit ID has no correlation to backing order, as people who backed much later may have filled in their Backerkit surveys before others who backed earlier.

The shipping order is more or less decided by country they ship to, if thereā€™s 200 going to country A and there are 300 backers there, then the first 200 according to the Indiegogo contribution ID will get theirs, regardless of other backers with possible lower numbers bit in other countries. But not all shipments from one country are bundled together.

Soon. Check the updated List 3