General info about shipment and manufacturing

where do you even find your backer number? was that your IndieGogo Contribution ID? Or some number on backer kit?

Please be specific because none of my numbers listed above look like the same format as the backer numbers in the excel.

The key here is probably the word Switzerland. Iā€™m almost certain that IvoG was referring to the shipment for EU countries, which at the time he wrote that message was on its way to be cleared by customs in Belgium. But the projectors bound to Switzerland of course werenā€™t in that shipment, because CH is not in the EU.

I recall seeing a Swiss backer posting a picture of his tracking, which showed that the shipment would be going straight from Hong Kong to Switzerland. Is this true also for your shipment?

Hi and welcome to the forum! Please see this thread for help with the different numbers: Demystifing Numbers (Indiegogo, Backerkit etc.)

Hi Im from Argentina. Any news on shipping to my country?

Thanks in advance for the response.

Hi, I got my DHL tracking number on April 15th, however status on DHL website still is: shipment information received without any further updates in the last 2 weeks. Could you pl help?.
DHL Tracking number: 2630213865

The list is empty ?

no it is not empty

Scroll to the left. The numbers are in Column ā€œAā€.

column Aā€¦

duh ! sincere apologies


@Philips_Support_N I havenā€™t said anything yet, but I really donā€™t understand the process hereā€¦ my contribution is 11791110, waiting in Paris for the past 8 monthsā€¦ when is the order supposed to arrive as I see on your list that all the contribution ID stars at 15XXXXX ?

Thank you

Hi @Philips_Support_N, can you just give a no. for the remaining units to be fullfilled ? the last i saw somewhere on this thread was there were 20k ++ units backed, 10k - 13k ++ fullfilled, so my estimate is 7-8k are remaining ?

No, you are 15874986

@Philips_Support_N: Any update on those on list 2 which are still on status ā€œShipment information receivedā€ (e.g. you)? Where are these PPMs?

You wouldnā€™t know this of course, but this is where the confusion comes from. Switzerland was told that they would be part of the EU shipments. Then they were told they wouldnā€™t. Then they were told that they would indeed be shipped via Germany with the EU shipments. You can imagine why everyone thought the list 2 shipment to Germany would include them. We were told as much. Thanks to your observation we realised the packages were still in HK, and that tracking looked different from the EU batch.

As much as Iā€™d like this to be as obvious as you say, it isnā€™t.


I really hope that these PPMs are not still in HK. It has been confirmed that they are part of the EU shipment which was on the flight of April 12. And now, almost a month later (when other lucky backers on list 2 hold their PPM in their hands), we just coincidentally realize that this was not true.
But to make any speculation an end, @Philips_Support_N, please enlighten us.

Dear all, here is the updated list for the next shipments

  • 1624+104: HERE
  • 1000 (QC on the 6th) are now integrated in the link
    This list will move a little bit in the coming 48h

Please add the word Norway as well, as in non EU countries in Europeā€¦ What is going on? @Philips_Support_N, can you please clarify?

Norway is in this list: 13 people


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