General info about shipment and manufacturing

got mine yesterday, tested a bit, I must say i’m impressed with the quality out of such a small mobile projector, it made all the wait worthwhile. I tried to move it from living room and bedroom and the autofocus is also working well, just need a bit adjustment cause of elevation, as what i expected from this product.
the latest software update also made everything much better, thank you for team Philips for your all hard work, hope to get more goodies from the software update in the future.


Nice to see that!!! We are very happy for you. I know we are very late but frankly speaking the Max is really a super piece of technology


Same for me with a working tracking on la poste ( according to tracking the ppm leaved germany this night ) i’ll probably receive it on Monday 1 month after it has been sent ! Too bad i will have it only when lockdown is ending in France but i’ll still enjoy my first movie !

Goods that are in Hong Kong are expected to get shipped out when?

Same here! Huge increase in impatience ahah

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May I ask what date in October you backed?

Hello @Philips_Support_N !
I check Updated List 3 (i’m #15584785) and i’m on the list !
On the forum you said if we want to change delivery adress i have to do quickly so here i am :slight_smile:
How can i do that ? Thank you !

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I just sent you a message

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Hi, @IvoGrijt, do you know if I should be concerned if my project in BackerKit appears as past project and not active project? I haven’t received it, and my backerkit number is not in the latest shipping list published. My ID is 9412 and Backerkit ID is 15589105. I’ve got a DHL shipping label since 3-4 weeks ago though.

Hello @Philips_Support_N,

I am Backerkit #11610445 and I didn’t receive any information aboum my delivery.
Could you please provide this information to me?
Where can I write to get information about what’s happening with my order?

Hello, if you are not in the last list, it means that you need to wait a bit more

104 pieces for HK going in the truck now


Hi Guys,
I really appreciate your effort and the regular updates!

However, i am a bit irritated with the list of Backer Numbers that are about to be shipped.

My BackerNumber is #11592497, which is way lower than the numbers in your list… I would expect you to ship in order of who backed first…

Or has my order been forgotten?
can you please comment?


The numbers that they are using are random and the order of them doesn’t meant anything. The indiegogo contribution ID is in order and they are following those numbers in a general sense. No worries, the number that you posted has nothing to do with the indiegogo contribution ID. Also, see this thread: Demystifing Numbers (Indiegogo, Backerkit etc.)

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Thanks, that was actually helpful!
Still, hopefull, that they will ship to Switzerland soon…

Oh… and thanks to your link I was actually able to find my real BackerKit Number and it actually IS on the list!
Now I am happy, thanks again :slight_smile:


Congrats :slight_smile: Now the wait for delivery can begin. Be patient :wink: It has taken eternities for previous deliveries to arrive.

Hi, mine was supposed to be send on April 10th to Italy with DHL. I contacted DHL here and they have not received any package with the tracking number provided by backer kit.

The status has remained like this for a month now. Is the package lost or it was just never sent? I understand these are extreme circumstances but it I would say that my concerns are reasonable.

Please let me know if I need to make a complaint in order for a new delivery to be made.

Thank you

Indiegogo contribution #9614

Backerkit ID 15588975

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No need for concern, only patience. As far as Backerkit is concerned you’ve been fulfilled, so it marks the project as a Past one. Receiving the shipping label means yours has shipped, it’s just not with you yet.

@dzianina Jan, please check this link: carefully because that number you posted does not look like a Backerkit ID but rather an order number which is irrelevant (see this explanation: Demystifing Numbers (Indiegogo, Backerkit etc.))
Then once you’ve found the right number check the lists again. Although with a Contribution ID as high as yours (15882) it will probably take a few more rounds before yours is listed.

Hi there,

My Indiegogo backer number is 10444 and I’m desperate to find out when my PicoMax is going to be shipped.

I can’t find my Backerkit number anywhere…

  1. I’ve tried hovering over the “view order” tab - but nothing shows up.
  2. Also, I only have an item in my ‘active projects’… and nothing in ‘past projects’ as suggested in the ‘How to find your Backerkit number’ post. So I’m wondering if something is wrong.

Can anyone help me out?