General info about shipment and manufacturing

What news do you want? It’s not Friday yet, so it’s tough to get Friday news on Thursday :sweat_smile:

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When you open list3
(Do not sort the Indiegogo Contribution ID numbers)

The numbers (on the far left)
0002 - 2958 shipped the 16/18th
2959 - 4286 are being shipped the 22nd
4287 - 5516 To Be Determined

you are 4085, so yours is scheduled to ship the 22nd.


can I please get any comments on the double VAT issue? @IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N

I waited a few days to see if it changed.
What does mean with DHL :

" Open status

We are expecting your shipment data soon."

Hi there,

my Backerkit ID is 15620091 and my indiegogo ID should be 13543. But I’m not sure about the indiegogo ID as there is no contribution listed in my account. I think this is, as I was contributing directly in September last year after the indiegogo campaign was closed at this time. Can you please check if you find me in your order book?

Thanks for coming back to me.


Go to My Contributions on Indiegogo, then click View Details next to Pico pic max campaign. There you will see contribution ID

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I got this as well. It’s been 4 days but tracking still doesn’t work

Wow, it has been a long wait. At first, thought it is going to be my christmas present. Now, I am happy that I might be able to get it on my birthday. Been patiently waiting for this :slight_smile:

Well I doubt it will come on 26th, but at least it will come soon. Thank you screeneo and Philips.


I’m a backer from Japan and I don’t quite understand the list system. My indiegogo ID is 16103 and on the Excel list I’m number 3441. On what list am I supposed to be ? List 3 or the next, or final one ?
Thank you

not sure which list u r checking… i can see this number on List3:


that’s the one scheduled for the 22nd at the moment… which apparently is today.

Check with Ur Indiegogo number

Thank you for your answer, just a little bit more to wait then :slight_smile:

Good morning @Philips_Support_N,
I just got an SMS from DHL where they ask me to pay customs duties and VAT of CHF 34.15.
I hope this is a mistake as I’m pretty sure that I paid VAT back in November 19. Right?

Hello, how about the shipping? Has the situation improved or is it still difficult to book a flight? Looking forward to finally trying it out. kind regards

What!? :anguished:

This is for a return /replacement item?

No. the text was translated with google. sorry if it is incomprehensible. Since there were logistical problems like booking a flight because of COVID in the past, I wanted to know if it got better or if there are still problems. I am in the next bundle where there is no shipping date yet. happy to try the PPM soon.

@Andy sorry my fault …was addressing Andy paying vat n custom again.andy as it is customs was supposed to be included right ?

@IvoGrijt could you have a look on this?

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