¿How can I be a moderator?

Hi, I don’t want to be a moderator. I’ll just be around helping on anything I can :slight_smile:

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Hawk eyes!

A lot of people expressed interest in this thread (thank you!). We added 5 moderators today based on their contribution and activity level so far. We might appoint some more in the future, or even remove if necessary. Perhaps a nomination/voting system.

It’s a new community we’re creating from scratch, so let’s see how it develops. I think so far it’s going really well, what do you guys think?


Compared to the indigogo site … it is a miracle. Excellent job!


Thanks for the feedback.

To be honest, this is a wonderful improvement. Indiegogo comment section was really not suited for good communication/tracking.

Now, we can exchange between backers and have a better overview of the identified issues thanks to very active members :wink:


Thanks, we’ve been needing them and they’ve been doing a good job indeed! I’ve been busy on some work document / report myself so haven’t been able to soft-moderate / help as much, but will pick it up again once the paper is done.

Recently, I’ve found myself hanging out on the forum, answering questions and helping out quite a lot. I wonder if if would be possible to become an official moderator, as this would make this (admittedly self-appointed) task easier to do. @Philips_Support_P

Welcome to the team Divyansh & Sebastian! :wave:t4:

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