Individual status update requests

It relatively easy for you to find the numbers yourself. To properly understand all these ID’s and numbers, please read this explanation by a fellow forum user: Demystifing Numbers (Indiegogo, Backerkit etc.)

Can someone tell me when my picopix will be sent? I backed it early December 2019.
My backer ID is 15973099.
I am from Holland.

Best regards

Kindly can you reply my inquiry.
I have sent it 3 times with no reply .

I am backer id : 15591947
Contribution #: 5532

Looking forward for your reply

Hi philips,
am in list 2 my backer id is 15588956 , week ago you told me that my goods are already in HK and i should get another email from backerkit with a new tracking number
From some reason the old tracking number is not activate
I am in status shiping on backerkit from 15.4.20 .
Until now i am not in the list 3 and i didn’t get new mail from backerkit or new tracking number
Can you please cheack it ?
I don’t want to miss the flight again.
.Please ansewr this is the the third time i ask

Hi @Philips_Support_N but I don’t see my number on the updated list with additional HK/SG units.
My backer id is 15583937. Can you please check?

Hello IvoG
My Contribution ID is 5269.
On 15 of April I got in Backerkit the tracking details. It took a long time before I could track it.
And when I track it, DHL Express has Shipment information received 23 of April.
Do you have any idea when it will ship to Norway?
My Contribution ID is on a low number and it seems like much higher numbers have received their PicoPix already.

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Hello Erik,

Once the projector is in the hands of DHL, Philips cannot do much about it and tell you exactly when you’ll receive it. I believe if you already have the tracking number, you should just check with DHL and call them directly for more information.

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Dear Sir/Madam
I am backer id : 15591947
Contribution #: 5532

On March 23rd you posted my BackerID on General info about shipment and manufacturing


General info about shipment and manufacturing

yes the next batch is for UK, Dubai, Norway, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia and other countries. This is the list we …
](General info about shipment and manufacturing)

And since then i did not get my tracking number!!

I contacted you later on Mid of April and you said you will include me on end of April batch ( And you did not include me)

I just dont know what sis going on ? you Posted on March 23rd my backer ID and then you do not send it to me !!

Kindly can you get back to my inquiry!

What about backer_id (15585475), my Indiegogo Id is 145*** and ids after that have already reciever PPM or they are on the list, what is going on?

Hi, I’m from Singapore too, and I’m also not on the list. @Philips_Support_N Which batch would I be on? Was my order missed out?

Contribution ID:16173
backer_id: 15584300

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@Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt I’m sorry I feel a little stupid, I spent a lot of time trying to know if my contribution ID was taken into consideration. I checked lists and didn’t find my ID 17417 (To France). I am worried, could you help me ?


Did the “rest of the world shipment actually happen as planned on the 16th? I’ve asked a few times now. Simple yes or no answer. @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N


Well that’s your lesson to take from this, the difference between buying an existing product and backing development of one.

Correct, pointless exercise imo.

Oh, my post asking about refund and why they aren’t responding to email requests has been hidden, nice censorship. Chargeback it is .

Maybe if you initally misunderstood how it works, delays are a given on Kickstarted/Indiegogo projects, every single one has those issues. But chargeback will be disputed and IMO you will lose that appeal

Well, it isn’t a scam. The manufacturing and shipping has just been delayed a lot more than what was anticipated. However, we are now very close to the finish line. There’s no point in giving up now.

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Dear all, @IvoGrijt is now collecting all the backers that have been forgotten below contribution ID 17K. We will add all of you in today’s produced batch