List of orders for delivery

Why can’t we have a list of backer IDs that will be updated everytime. It’s difficult to follow the list which is embedded in different conversation

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We created a summary thread so nobody has to hunt down information but instead can find it in one convenient spot. Bookmark that and gather your daily digest from it, you can always click on the quotes in that topic to jump right into the actual thread where it was actually posted.

Thank you for the link and all the hard work to get things in order (as much as possible). I really like the updates and it helps me find stuff, but this does not answer @theo’s question. Don’t get me wrong, you’re working with what you have. :slight_smile: So it’s more of a question for @Philips_Support_N to answer.

It is a straight question and needs a straight answer. If Philips thinks its not a good practice to have just a link to a file, which is dynamically updated as production/shipping goes, so that people won’t spam the forum asking the same question over and over again, then I think we are entitled to an answer.


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I was trying to help out with this part of the question where he’s indicating an issue he has following the lists embedded in the conversations, perhaps he wasn’t aware of the summary thread. That’s all I could really help with because like you pointed out, only Philips can answer the first part, I can’t answer for them.

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Could somebody put a tracking list of the status of each order (perhaps in ID number ranges?). It would give us a little more confidence if we could see how many orders have been fulfilled to date and in which order (whether by country, by number, etc). We need more transparency, please.

Exactly. And then we will have some transparency regarding the overall rate of delivery as well. Please consider this suggestion very seriously. Thank you.

Hi There,

For a general sense of where we are, you can go through the High Level Summary Thread. Unfortunately we do not have a view of what you are asking and this has been asked for several times before as well.

But we do sometimes get fragments of information that can be found in the thread that Ivo just shared.

Thanks very much. I think given the (at least partially understandable) considerable delivery delays, the company should respond with some confidence building measures. I have found absolutely no reference to the number range I am in for the last three months at least and that is unacceptable given that I also paid the duty extra charge and so on just three or so months ago. They must have an internal tracking sheet - why not anonymise the names and addresses down to country / backing number so that we can monitor progress? Reading through reams of threads where people are asking the same questions as me is no longer the appropriate response to this crisis. Thank you.

We created a summary thread so nobody has to hunt down information but instead can find it in one convenient spot. You can easily find this thread by clicking on the News button in the top menu bar of the forum. Bookmark that and gather your daily digest from it, you can always click on the quotes in that topic to jump right into the actual thread where it was actually posted. Then you won’t have to read through reams of threads.

I looked at your heroic attempts to organise all these threads - thank you. But it still doesn’t give me any confidence in what is happening or idea when I might receive my device.

The solution is simple: publish a tracking sheet for all orders / ranges of numbers / countries otherwise you/‘Philips’ will continue to be bombarded with these questions.

And then we can all see where we stand on a single screen / post. This will save us, you and Philips considerable time.

Please don’t argue, excuse or explain. Just do it.

Thank you.

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I can’t just do it, even if I wanted to.

I do not work for Philips Projection, I’m a mere backer just like you, who has too much time to spend and helps out on this forum only. If the information isn’t on the forum already, I don’t have access to it.

Besides, whatever they came up with and published, there would still be some people complaining. They can’t plan beyond what they do know and get done on a weekly basis. Timelines will still be stretched due to shipping issues, production might take longer or shorter, so many things can still happen. Only for people to then say “see, they lied to us again”

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Not aimed at you specifically - aimed at Philips. This is not your fault. But publishing an abridged sheet of this nature so we can at least see progress an a weekly basis is what any competent company would do in these times. They need to build confidence and IMO they are failing to do so by insisting on their ‘process’ and not listening to feedback. After all that is what these campaigns are meant to be about isn’t it? As in listening to feedback and responding rapidly with improvements? This can, and should apply to process as well as technology.