Shipping to Europe


Horayyy!!! We have movement for the EU batch. ( I’m uk).

Status has changed to “The international shipment has been processed in the parcel centre of origin”.

Looks like they’re on the move :slight_smile:


Same here - Cologne to U.K. should be quick now it’s in the hands of a German efficiency.


Maybe they’ve offloaded mine because I shot my mouth off to much. :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Well, no change as far as I’m concerned. But I’m in France.
At least, this gives me a little hope that the situation could change in the coming days…

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Did you guys see this? Come on, DHL don’t have a magic wand that they wave and Poof! all the packages are scanned guys!
:mage: :package:

If there’s change for even 1 package in the batch then the others will follow also, no reason to act this way guys.


When it comes to tracking shipments, the scanner is pretty much the magic wand. :wink:
I just cannot imagine going through this in 1990 (let alone the whole pandemic, obviously).

I can’t react in a “sure it’s all gonna work out” way after such a long and convoluted experience, I’m oscilating between “I’ll get it when I’ll get it” and “I’ll believe it when I see it”.


I’m in Portugal and I’ve received the tracking number on 10.4 but still no change. Not bitching here, these are not normal times. It will take time, which is a shame, PT is almost leaving the lockdown, but hey as the Rolling Stones put it, “sometimes you don’t get what you want, you get what you need!”. As a matter of fact thats probably the first video I’m gonna play in it!

Cheers everyone! (Even the haters! :slight_smile: )


Any plans for shipping to LITHUANIA? ;/ we are not locked and all the packages comes fine from all the world. :))

Hello everyone, could somebody help me understand something, I try to follow along but as I come here once a month I’m drawn in the information, I can’t find my backerkit id in one of the 3 lists, do we know how often Philips sends new lists? And is there a way to find out in which list I will be? As it does not seem to be a numerical order.

I wish you all a nice day/evening :smiley:

They make new lists after each completed batch. The next one will probably come next week due to holidays in China.

There’s currently no way of knowing which list you will be in. You can only check them once published. As for the second part:

No, cause the Backerkit ID has no correlation to backing order, as people who backed much later may have filled in their Backerkit surveys before others who backed earlier.
The shipping order is more or less decided by country they ship to, if there’s 200 going to country A and there are 300 backers there, then the first 200 according to the Indiegogo contribution ID will get theirs, regardless of other backers with possible lower numbers bit in other countries.

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Hi Ivo, very clear thank you. I wish you a nice day and I wish patience to all of you guys.

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I found the Third Shipment list and my backerID is listed (15588120). So normally I should be contacted quicly for a delivery by DHL, correct ?

I’m in, like you. But I don’t expect to receive the PPM so fast. First, it must be put in a plane, and there’s no more free place until tomorrow. Then it will arrive in Germany and it has to get through the customs, and it can take 2-3 weeks. And finally DHL will pick it up to get it until your address.

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Any idea when I can expect something ?

I have looked here, found no answer when I can expect my projector.
When are you gonna ship to Amsterdam ?

Hi Brok22 and welcome to the forum! Shipments to the EU (including Amsterdam) are being done as we speak and will most certainly continue, so this is more a case of when the campaign reaches your backing number. If you haven’t received an email with shipment confirmation and a tracking number, there’s really nothing to do other than to wait. If you want to follow the situation more closely but find the whole forum a bit too much, your best option is to read the summary thread where news about the campaign are gathered more or less daily.

So, nothing in april. It is now may here
When do you send it now please come on.
My patience is gone to be honest.

Ok I’m officially happy I’m on the latest list and located in the netherlands so yay

Hi folks, first time checking in, so many messages and subjects on this board i am LOST.
So, in all humility, may i ask how things are planned to work out ?

-I understand that there is 700’s something pieces yet to be delivered in France (I am in France) are you able to tell just with my backer kit number 13,662 if or when will i get mine ?
-I came across a thread that said backer kit number means nothing i need to wait to be contacted with further numbers more appropriate ?
If anyone can just guide me a bit through this it would be very much appreciated.
Thanks everyone stay safe !

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Sure, thanks for asking. First of all, I’m just a volunteer moderator and I’m not working for Philips. All I know is what I have read on this forum.

Philips has said that they aren’t giving out individual estimates based on backer numbers. Shipping is done roughly the backer number order. I say roughly, because shipments are made by country/region in reasonably sized batches. Unfortunately for some even quite early backers in some countries, this has meant long waiting times. As you are in France, the shipments you are interested in are the ones going to the EU. Those have not been among the most problematic so far, so that’s good news for you.

When a batch is about to be shipped, Philips publishes a list of the recipients here on the forum. This list contains Backerkit ID numbers, which is not the same as the backer number. There is a thread here on the forum which explains these numbers, please look here: Demystifing Numbers (Indiegogo, Backerkit etc.). You will also receive an email from Backerkit with a link where you can find your tracking code. That tracking code will not work immediately, more on that later.

In the case of EU shipment, the individually packed projectors have been shipped to Europe together in another container. This shipment alone takes from 10 to 20 days until it arrives in the warehouse from which the separate projectors are then shipped to the EU backers. Only at this point will the tracking code you received start showing any progress.

If you find the whole forum a bit too much to follow, there is a “News” link in the top bar leading to a summary thread that contains the most important news. It might be easier to follow. Hope this helps.