Shipping to Europe

I received my tracking number 31/05 (delivery in Belgium) and up until today I got the status from DHL “the instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically” but today I got sort of a blank page at dhl (screenshot below)

Apparently DHL DE is undergoing maintenance currently.

Ok, thank you for the quick response!

Understanding DHL Tracking Status and how to deal with it(Hongkong,can%20call%20it%20Checkpoint%201.

A post was split to a new topic: Shipment issue - mmmlme

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Tracking number is not working

hello, my package has been sent for months but it still hasn’t arrived and when I consult the DHL tracking, I see that since May 21, 2020, the package is in Germany with the following status: « The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically ».I’ve already sent emails but I’m not receiving any responses except an acknowledgment. What to do ? Thanks for your help

Please see #4 in the Tracking and Shipping FAQ.


My package to Poland finally moved! <3

Looks like it was still originating from Germany, not France :slight_smile:

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ok but in my case it’s been 1 month that the status is blocked while all the other cases that I read never exceed 25 days. :persevere:

Which DHL tracking site have you used? This one?

Does anybody have any update since Friday/Saturday? Or it’s only mine stuck in dhl?

Mine is in exactly the same state “posted by the sender…”, wah

Ok, just because I saw someone posted that their it was on the way to delivery… :man_shrugging:t3:

ooooh, well hopefully they’re processing them now! :slight_smile:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Returned 2 Sender

Unfortunately mine too. Hopefully it will change today or tomorrow. Finger crossed

And me I’m getting this! Is it normal? I’m from Amy batch Europe

Yes, you have to write your postal code for checking which shipment is yours (sometimes dhl reuses the tracking number)

Obviously I tried. Your input was incorrect I’m getting