Shipping to Europe

Nothing showing here in the UK, BK still doesn’t show shipping. My IGG no is 38XX, although my BK no. is 96XX. It is the IGG no. that matters isn’t it?

Seems like the shipping might have been screwed up… A lot of people under the listed contribution number appear to have not been posted as shipped :frowning:

Same here, I’m 33XX indigogo number. They should be using that and not backertkit number

I’ve haven’t received any email…

Where did you find the backerkit ID?

Could you tell us which countries these are? Switzerland maybe…?

Backerkit says it’s shipped. DHL code got! It’s Coming to Finland. #4xx. :+1::grinning:

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#26xx. no mail, no info backerkit. :sleepy:

There’s a ‘post it’ option where it says “proud to be the 9,6XX on Backerkit” for PPM

Not sure. I requeated an invoice through email and they sent it already. Can you write them again? They are pretty swamped at the moment but otherwise pretty responsive and supportive.

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Yes, it is.

No Email. Backer #2xxx, so way below 4188, FROM Germany. Just sent an email to, but would also appreciate if you could qc the list that you sent to Backerkit…

I think the emails have only be send to backerkit accounts. Im seeing the status shipped but i didnt received an email either.

I have a backerkit account, but got no mail, status is showing shipped, with DHL tracking.

Same here, shipped on backerkit with tracking number that doesn’t work yet but no e-mail

33XX UK (EU) still not shipped on Backertkit :frowning:

Not sure but these countries should be in this batch. Its a list send by @Philips_Support_N 2 days ago

IGG #49x here from Sweden. Backerkit says shipped and I got the tracking info with DHL :slight_smile: looking forward getting and using the PPM!


Status Shipped to Bulgaria Contribution ID 28xx :+1:

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Excellent, sounds like things are moving along! I’ll have to wait a bit more (I’m 9k), hopefully that might be included in the next EU shipment, whenever that’ll be!