Shipping to Europe

Users have asked this in a separate Switzerland thread as well, but now that you post that image: is Switzerland not supplied together with the EU?


Thanks, that’s useful info. Could you also tell us the higher backer ID shipped in the next 700-1000 batch sent tomorrow?

Thanks for the update looks like i have to wait another round #66xx

Yes, I’d be very much interested in having Switzerland added to the list as well!


That’s clear communication! Thanks a lot, can’t wait to get my hands on it.

We just received the letter of Authorization! We are ready to ship tonight!


Great! Just don’t forget Switzerland!


The info is very reassuring. Could you confirm that 4188 is for the first 1500 units and tell us the backer ID for the next 700? Also will they be sent tomorrow?

HoHoHo !

Santa is back :gift: !

for the next one, not sure yet

Happy days, so looking at the contribution numbers provided 4188 for first batch that’s pretty high well done Phillips Team :+1: would the 2nd batch be double again?

I can’t wait until tonight, its too much time, plz cancel my contributions,
I am the Baker 1-1000, and refund me, and plz send the Perks strating 1001 to the other Backers,
thanks in Advance :rofl: :rofl:

SUPER ! Thanks a lot :blush:

Great to see that there is a shipment to Europe! Hope this is a first of many, since I have BackerID 11xxx (was a bit late to the party).

@Philips are there any expectations on how frequently you’ll sent out a batch and will the all the batches contain the same number of units or do you expect more units in a next batch?

Philips what about shipping to middle east ?(israel)

I’m backer 3XXX and in the UK so am I right in thinking I will be in this batch? Very excited!

I think that your list of EU countries is missing a few :slight_smile: you know that EU expanded several times?

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His screenshot seems to be an Excel filter.
Therefore we can assume that if the country is not in the filter it’s because there’s no shipment for this country in this batch.
But that’s only a guess…

I mean do you really need confirmation that 3000 is less than 4188? :smiley:

@vzhivkov are you below 4188? :slight_smile: If yes, congrats :smiley: but fingers crossed until confirmed.