Shipping to Europe


#268 here. I’m very excited for the PPM

that honestly means everyone has to wait until every single country is sorted out in logistics and tax etc. So basically the projectors which were sent to the US and hongkong etc would be sitting there while they sort out the EU stuff. So it doesnt mean we will get it earlier, it means everyone else getting it later.

What has one (shipping priority given by the Contribution ID) with the other ( logistics, taxes, custom declarations ) ?
And mostly, what has US shipping has to do with EU Shipping? There are different warehouses handling the shipping in EU and US.
Besides that, at least for the EU shipments, taxes are already gathered in advance.

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DHL EU air shipping is music to my ears, thanks Philips!

Many crowdfunding projects I have backed have used much cheaper = less reliable options. One package got even lost a while back.

On this moment the shipping is categorized per region/country which is mentioned in the previous mailing #14 and #16 whithin that the priority of delivery is sorted by the backer id’s

I didnt see the LV country in the list… :roll_eyes: Hope for the next batch!!!

does Israel count as “Europe” ? @Philips_Support_N

Obviously not, see the list above

Hi, all these shipments going to EU, do they include the fix to the auto focus mechanism where there wasn’t enough glue?

EU only for today’s shipment. yes includes the Auto Focus fix


Hello, when will be the next EU shipment?

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Backer #3 GB, when can we expect shipping confirmation?

Hey @Philips_Support_N will you be able to keep us updated with the contribution IDs covered as before with the excel :wink: I saw BG in the filter and got excited…cause we’re only 14 from BG …but I’m 16*** :slight_smile:


can’t do it for everyone :slight_smile: We are just missing 5 phone numbers for people now. Just waiting for them and then DHL will give us all tracking numbers.


Can’t they go with the next batch? ^^’

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Oh, I mean like, the highest covered contribution ID :wink:

Velislav you are 16K. Now we shipped EU up to 4188. A bit more patience :slightly_smiling_face:
Now we have 2 factories starting after CNY so it will be faster


Could you maybe say anything about those European countries that were not on your list. …Switzerland for example …? :face_with_monocle:

Switzerland and Norway are not part of today’s shipment

Aehm, yes…? Meaning they’re part of today’s and the future EU batches?