Shipping to Mother Russia. New tax has arising

I was always wondering why don’t you just send to Philips warehouses located in each country and then use local delivery :thinking:

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I don’t know how this train will go, but all of heavy-weight parcels I got from Aliexpress go through Kazakhstan which is about 2-2.5 months. Hope it’s not otherwise I will receive projector in somewhere August-September.

It’s true. Once 10 years ago I was sent goods from Vladivostok by special carrier. It takes 2 weeks. But it was really special carrier.

@Philips_Support_N try to find something in the Russian Railways services

6 days from Beijing to Moscow with possibility for custom clearance


Thanks! That sounds interesting! I passed it along to China


Here is the list of backers that were included in the Russian Train shipment. Our Chinese partners have informed us that this shipment is already underway to you. They told us shipping time would be 20 days.

However, you will not receive tracking numbers until the products have arrived in Russia.

16108930, 15594267, 15594747, 15593203, 15593483, 15592374, 15592531, 15590752, 15590961, 15591283, 15591297, 15591476, 15589642, 15589679, 15589776, 15589822, 15589838, 15589940, 15590017, 15590513, 15588573, 15588574, 15588862, 15588938, 15589338, 15587692, 15587719, 15587802, 15588146, 15588340, 15588374, 15588464, 15586558, 15586847, 15586966, 15586986, 15587099, 15587342, 15585993, 15586065, 15586126, 15586157, 15585218, 15585383, 15585390, 15585413, 15585428, 15583473, 15583487, 15583599, 15583678, 15583819, 15584158, 15584395, 15739040, 16518341, 16710257, 16745517, 16855740, 16897702


For the 15 units that could not be delivered by DHL, our team in China is working hard to find the fastest way to get these products back to you. We have given them your recommendations for DHL Parcel International Direct and the Russian Train express service. They are checking into these services.


Hello Steve! Can you clear the situation with my contribution #19959?

Thanks a lot!

Hi, I’m not sure what the contribution numbers are, but i think you have backer kit number 15588146. Please check in the backer kit.
If so, you are included in the 60 units moving by Train into Russia.

I can’t find that number (15588146) on Backerkit.
My DHL tracking was 3063391601.

To properly understand and locate all ID’s and numbers, please read this explanation: Demystifing Numbers (Indiegogo, Backerkit etc.)

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Please check this link: How to find your Backerkit ID

It seems that my number is 16115602.
Can you please check it?

We found you. You are on the list of 15 that DHL Express could not pass through Russian customs. We are working on a new solution for you and will let you know shortly.

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@Philips_Support_N i think we may have a problem here. I’m from the list (15586126). I reside in Belarus and originally I’ve intended to use forwarder from Russia. But when all the stuff with additional IDs came up, I was contacted by Phillips team and we’ve arranged changing the delivery to Belarus instead (got that in email threads). However it seems not to be the case anymore. Can you check?

Fantastic, this is mine! 20 days only left. Hope so! :laughing:

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Thank you! Will be waiting for further information.


My contribution ID is 10187 and I made contribution in September.
I was patiently waiting understanding your situation but now I see that you are shipping to Russia, but I’m not in the list???
I’ve sent email to support@scr…, but no reply.
Please advise

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What’s about a new solution?

Hello Steve! My backerit #16115602. It seems that there are some problems with shipping to Russia.
Is it possible to change the destination now? I can give you an address in South Korea from where I’ll pick my Pico by myself?

What do you think?
Unfortunatelly I don’t know the customs rate in South Korea.