Shipping to Mother Russia. New tax has arising

I need to flag you to Ivo. I’m not sure what your status is. Please be a little patient, Ivo has many cases to follow up on.

Hi! Starting tomorrow, the cost of storing my package in UPS from 500 rubles ($ 7). My indiegogo ID is 10810 , my UPS track 1Z9W351W0442286887. When you send the order confirmation!?!

Good news! $180 invoice is working good for ups-broker

“Your package was released by the clearing agency.”

I have my tracking number 2630239054 from DHL. But call center operator say that they cant deliver any package to Russia.

How i can track my parcel?

Привет. Откуда у Вас такое подтверждение? Я от PHILIPS так и не получил подтверждения. Что вы указывали в названии товара и какую ссылку на страницу продавца?

Answer from Nono:

I sent it twice.
He needs to check on its SPAM from Invoice Generator

Hi Steve,

I have tracking number from the last mile courier service “IML Express”, and just now status changed to “goods received by the warehouse”.

And it seems that projectors are customs cleared already and we (those who’s projectors have been shipped by train) will not need to make customs clearance. That’s are very good news!

Looking forward to get mine in the nearest days.


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Great :grinning:

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hello. I need an invoice for 180 USD too. My Pico is here but I need a customs clearance to past through

nothing in my postbox even in spam

Great, I’ve got a message from IML delivery service that goods is expected at the warehouse and soon will be delivered. I’m in Moscow, btw.

Normally, after such message from IML I’m getting my goods in 1-2 days.

Here is the description of the goods:

Seems like it will arrive soon! Super excited!


Hi guys. I got my picopix max. This is a cool product. Thank you very much. UPS delivery. Yoohhoooo


It’s here. I love it. Great long job. 9 months and 5 days. Thank you guys!

It’s here! I’m happy)

I ve got my ppm today. (Train batch). It works. Trying to understand how to connect it with my laptop. Thank you.

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Hooray friends :slight_smile:
He arrived today, disappointment is forgotten, I am very happy :slight_smile:
See you in technical topics.
Thanks to the Phillips team and personally @Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt


I checked my mailboxes several times, Nono is not responding yet. Today for me is the first day of delay for storing the parcel ($ 7 per day). I need an invoice !!!

Кто получил посылку, напишите пожалуйста, что вы указали в поле название и ссылка на страницу продавца.

We sent it to you via a personal message on the forum, can you confirm you got it?

То что указывают. Правду. Projector и ссылка на

Название проектора как на indiegogo и ссылка на его страницу.