Shipping to Switzerland

I still have not received the reimbursment. When will it take place? Thanks, Cyril

answered by email. You are a corporate customer, you need to ask DHL to refund you the VAT. You paid it to them not to us.


Contribution ID 6895

@IvoGrijt the PicoPix we got was broken (bulb did not start at all) so after clearing with Philips we returned it back to Hong Kong. Yesterday, we got a new one as a replacement for the broken one. The new piece seems to work well. But I was charged by DHL once again (VAT)! So actually, I paid the VAT TWICE (first time, the above mentioned CHF 37.15 and now CHF 33.70) . Thank you in advance for reimbursement.

Hello @IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N

Contribution ID: 7895

Had to pay 41.65 today.

When an how is the refund going to take place?



Settled a DHL invoice of CHF 36.70 today.
Previously paid € 39.96 taxes through Backerkit.
Contribution ID: 21128

Thanks in advance for any reimbursement and have a happy ‘jeudredi’!


OK done! Stripe will refund you within 1 week



BackerkitID: 15593943
ContributionID: #2821

Payed 34.15 SFr by 25.05.2020


Contribution ID 14216
Backerit ID 15585685
Amount paid 34 frs

I sent an email to on June 2nd but no response. I’ll see if it works better here

@Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt

i did already write
Contribution ID 21476
Backerit ID 16949105

i did pay DHL 36,70
when will i receive the refund ?
thank you

OK c’est fait!

OK c’est fait

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Merci !


Indigo ID : 9512
Order : #11684492
DHL – 2630213294

J’ai payé 37.15 CHF, posté plusieurs messages, jamais une réponse ou un accusé de bonne réception, ni de remboursement !!!

Julyan Zeltner
8a Semailles
1212 Grand-Lancy

Ce channel n’est pas un lieu ou demander ce genre de choses importantes. Vous devez nous envoyer un mail sur
Dans tous les cas, nous venons de vous rembourser.

Hey Hiro. I just refunded you

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OK I think I refunded everyone here. It should appear in your account within 2 weeks. The Credit Card system we are using is called STRIPE and they take between 7 and 14 days to refund.
If you don’t see anything within 14 days, please send us a message to with the proof of DHL payment and title: CH / Doble VAT