Software Update v1.0.26 is available now

Safety First! Update can wait!


Cool update, but safety is always the first priority!! Stay safe Philips Team!!

Thank you. Please do not rush to release the updates. I have been enjoying many movie nights with it and am quite happy as it is now. Thanks again.

Nice update, thanks! Commitment to 1 update per week is impressive, makes me hyped to receive the PPM as there will be increased focus on fixing bugs, optimization and adding features before I get my hands on it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks for prioritizing this! Quality over HDMI is way better than with internal android, making Apps or AirPlay quite unusable.

What about more options to fine tune the image quality? (Gamma, Color Temp, Separate Color Channel)


You can solve it yourself right now: How to improve internal video picture quality?

In the near future but not immediately, because there are some critical bugs that must be solved first.

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This update v1.0.26 is now available to the public. The next v1.0.27 is round the corner.


Once it’s finished downloading it says ‘not a valid update package’

installation worked for me.

I don’t like to swear but this whole update system is a steaming pile of s… I can’t wait to get rid of it and replace it with something that actually works reliably :triumph:

Please try the download again.


Okay. I will try again in the morning. But, I want to say something I didn’t in my first post. Thank you. For all the work you and your colleagues are doing. I’ve used your pico projectors is extremely remote locations. Jungles and expeditions. They make life in those places bearable. Take your time and take a break.


Hi guys and thank you for the great work!
It’s there any way to request a software feature?
I’m constantly switching between work use where the picture is normal and bed mode, where the picture is upside down. I would love it if there was a checkbox for “automatic ceiling flip” or something so when the projector is upside down, the picture is automatically flipped. I believe there is something in the projector hardware that can detect orientation?
Or make a special remote key combo that toggles image mode?

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Yes, you can post the feature request in the section called Feature Suggestions where we can vote on the suggestions and the development team can gauge the interest for new features.

Or perhaps a moderator can split this post off to that section?

I’ll post in there

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@Philips_Support_P Can you give as an rough estimation, when the previous for 1.0.26 planed features will be released?

See old announcement:

I tried the normal download many times with the same error each time. But the offline update worked fine. So I suggest anyone having issues try that option first.

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We have planned two service updates focusing exclusively on bug fixes only. Afterwards we will work on any new features. So approximately in two to three weeks they should be available.


I think you secret something with this version. My PPM didn’t die in a snap, it actually showed the shutting down dialog before dying :smile:

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Dear @Philips_Support_P, I have registered just to tell you how much I appreciate your work and directness, and also that you are addressibg issues with Kodi; I am one of many (if not most) buyers that have been wantibg to use Kodi almost exclusively.