X2Z Change of shipping address

I just checked today that my projector would be shipped out in the next batch. While I’m delighted about it, I’m also worried because I’d put in my office address for delivery but with the work from home extended, the office will remain closed for at least another month. Is there a way to still be able to change the shipping address?

Contribution ID 15707, backer ID 11585932 15584658

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Usually you can ask DHL to change the shipping address before the last-mile delivery. At least in Poland they send you a link where you can redirect the package before courier attempts to deliver it.


Please PM me your new address

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Hi IvoG, I’m also having the same issue. Would you be able to help me please?

Contribution ID 19429

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I’ve already filed a ticket via support@screeneo.com as unfortunately, due to Coronavirus I’m changing my location often. First, I’ll be moving within the UK (to a friend’s place) and later move to Switzerland. At the same time, the Backerkit status changed to “Your address has been locked” and I can no longer update it.

I’ve sent the request over a week ago (26 May) but apart from an automated email with request number (22210) and “it takes on average 3 business days to process requests” I received no reply.

Would be great to know whether my address will get updated as requested as it seems my Indiegogo contributor number (21529) will come up in the next list :slight_smile:

Could someone look into it, please?


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Can you tell me the ticket number please?

“Your request (22210) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff”


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Unfortunately I also have had my communication with support with no answer :confused:

–Your request (20908) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.–

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Hi Ivo,

Still haven’t received a response for my change of address request (22210) for my order (21529).

Friendly ping, would be great to get some reply from the support team. How can I reach them @IvoGrijt?

Hi @IvoGrijt, could you please have a look at my PM regarding an address change in the Joy shipment? I assume it will be too late once the list has been sent to the forwarder. Thanks!

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