Australia & New Zealand

Probably just need to let China catch up - it’s only mid-morning there :wink:

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@Philips_Support_N You mentioned in another thread that the Shenzhen based factory wont open until this Friday - Will this affect the Australian Orders that were already packed prior or will they still ship out this week as planned?


Hello Finn, yes it will affect everyone. This Coronavirus is really a mess.
We really hope we can reopen on Friday but this is according to the Chinese GOvernment. If they want to keep all factories closed, they can do it…


We get that the factory is closed. That can’t be helped. The question Finn and every other frustrated Australian investor of the project are trying to get an answer to is whether or not 700 AUSTRALIAN projectors are sitting in the factory loading bay ready to get on a DHL flight as soon as work resumes OR do they no longer exist because they were they sent to Europe? It’s a really simple question that you keep skirting around and not giving a clear answer to. Are they sitting at the factory ready to go or aren’t they?

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We will get them when we get them. Try not to get so upset, it’s just a projector.


John, they were sent to EU in order to avoid any projector sitting in the warehouse for 3 weeks. It was too late to ship it to AU as stated by DHL. IN any case here is the priority for the next shippment:
1: around 70 backers that need to receive a new projector because their device has a Issue
2: AU/NZ entire backer
3: ship other countries
You are on the priority list !


THANK YOU! Sorry for the little rant. I promise I’ll stop asking now.
I just wanted a clear answer, and I appreciate that you’ve given one.
I get that maybe you didn’t want to say they were sent to Europe in case someone got angry, but personally, I’m happy to wait till last, just so long as you let us know.
My thoughts are with China and the mess they’re facing. I’m not a praying man but I sincerely wish them all the best in these dark times.


yes this is really the mess and information are changing ever day with the Chinese Gov. Hopefully they can reopen on Friday. We really hope so.
At least, you are in a pretty cinema like adventure with us !! :slight_smile:


Oh man, someone’s definitely going to make a movie about this one day and I’ll watch it on my PicoPix Max, haha!


@Philips_Support_N appreciate the clarification however that is information that could of been told prior to the corona virus shut downs. As I’ve mentioned previously In other comments it’s not the wait that bothers me it’s the severe lack of communication. It reflects poorly on your whole campaign.

But I think it’s safe to say you appeased the EU backlash of order delays as they are one of your largest markets at the sacrifice of the AU orders. Fingers crossed the information you have provided this time is accurate and we are indeed “priority” as we are probably the last major backer group who has yet to receive a single unit…


Thanks @John_Lewis for finally getting a full response on this. Extraordinary decision making, given previous commitments.

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@Philips_Support_N the latest update on the shipping after CNY thread says there are 700 units sitting in the factory ready to be packed and shipped. I assume based on the above these units will be packed with an AU charger?

Getting pretty sick of the story changing continually. It’s also pretty frustrating to see you shipping replacement units over a shipment to a region which is yet to receive a single unit. As others have mentioned the poor communication and forgotten promises has been a continual drag on this campaign.


Ugh. I saw them say that in the other thread as well, right after telling me in this thread that the units WERE shipped to Europe. My heart sunk when I read it. Why tell me one thing and then contradict it a minute later on this same forum? I’m giving up on the inquires for now. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and just assume they don’t really know what’s going on remotely in China, which is a totally understandable situation given the virus outbreak. I get they’re trying to save face to avoid giving out more refunds but they need to either under promise and over deliver (the only way to keep all customers happy) or just be completely honest and let the chips fall where they may.


Already packed for INT, but no packaging

OMG this is so confusing @Philips_Support_N! What does “ Already packed for INT, but no packaging” mean? Who are the 700 units going to?? Surely they should go to the AU/NZ backers who have had multiple promises of delivery, the backers that had their units sent to EU instead? Please confirm what is actually happening!

Lol packed but no packaging. I’m trying direct translate that but it doesn’t make sense

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Sorry it wasn’t clear:
1: the inbox materials (carton specific to INT with only 2 heads) is done for those 700 pieces
2: the outer part of the box is not sealed

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@Philips_Support_N It sounds like these boxes could be opened and have the AU/NZ adapters added. Given your previous commitments this seems like the right thing to do to maintain integrity.

I don’t get it are they coming or not ?

This doesn’t actually make sense to any of us since we don’t work on the production line. Sorry, we need a clearer translation. INT? 2 Heads? What are you talking about?