General info about shipment and manufacturing

You said it your self it is on you. They advertised 4 corner correction over HDMI and usb-c and then that didn’t happen. They offered a refund then, this also happened after delivery was delayed multiple times so if those were lies it was more than one. They gave a refund window at that point and you didn’t take it so to your own saying it is on you.

There was an opportunity, why didn’t you take it then when you knew the project wasn’t what you signed up for?

Because they said all projectors would be projectors would be ready before CNY

But again that was after an Oct ship date, Nov ship date, Dec ship date and Jan ship date.

You didn’t see a pattern?

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Of course I did. But they were offering refund back then. So I always felt that I have that option.

Well now that time has come. I want a refund. And now they took away the option, ignore our emails and hide.

And yes, current situation means I have to be home , cant go to the cinema or hang out and I need some entairtenment home. I don’t have a tv and that’s why I ordered this

I wish my money back so i can spend it on something i can use TODAY, not in 2027.

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That was so wrong when they did that and was such an important feature .! The trapezium picture and so many glue focus wheel faults are what make PPL want a refund …Also giving a large shipment to outside vendors out of the blue.
also the return process takes a lifetime…
So many defective pieces are turning up.
Refund option shd always b open till delivery process starts

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The last mail that we received from you was on 2019 also, did you used another email address ?

Your PicoPix Max will be shipped end of April


Hi @Philips_Support_N - any update from your forwarder on whether they can ship to Malta since DHL is still operating in both Malta and Hong Kong? Thanks (Backer kit ID 15590088 - was originally included in the excel list you published a few days ago).

If your forwarder says they cannot ship to Malta (why they would say that is beyond me) - may I suggest using DHL Express for my projector and the other Maltese backers (there about 7 in total iirc) once the remaining 6 projectors destined for Malta are produced? You said you were looking into a solution for the 187 missed backers, and I have provided one for you.

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Hey Tsouvli (sorry not sure if this is your name).

I understand you are frustrated, but I checked the history of your comments and they are mainly negative, undermining their efforts and brand. I also see you are backer 12*** so you’ll be before me - I’m 16***, but this doesn’t matter. Why don’t you write a direct message to the moderators and we’ll check your case and what can be done. I know you want to share your frustration, but this is not helping anyone and we’re just spamming the forum.

When you are sending a message, in the To field, just write moderators and it’ll come up as a result.



Both have been dealt with, by informing people about the first and actually fixing the second

… who were also backers, possibly even before the general public could back the campaign

Granted, but unless you’re in that boat it shouldn’t be a reason for anyone to want a cancellation refund

So many? Of the thousands of units made you’ve only heard about 1% or less being defective, and most of those were due to the focusing wheel glue issue which has since been corrected.

Well, the delivery process has started and the campaign ended. So that’s why they’re not accepting refunds.


Hey Angad, I see where you’re coming from, but did you buy the projector or backed the project on IGG? I’m asking cause the terms and conditions for both are different.
Also, Philips are doing everything they can to resolve all faults and errors given the situation the whole world is on.


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Sorry for the spam but it is my last chance of having my request answered. They have blocked all means of communication. Indiegogo.
They don’t respond to emails, they send automated replies and ignore
I have PMed Philips personell here no response.

What else can I do??


Just a small off-topic and something to think about. Unemployment rate is getting higher than ever, businesses are closing, US Fed reserve is printing money (the worst that could happen to an economy) to try to assess the situation, vendors are not getting paid because of cashflow, and we are here, waiting for the PPM. I know we all want it, we all backed the project, we knew the risks, we spent some money. But can we for a moment, think about the big picture and that it’s very close for the **** to hit the fan? All businesses are struggling at the moment, it’s a situation non was able to foresee. So let us all be a bit more understanding in this tough times! We will all get the projector, things are moving.

From a concerned citizen of the world, waiting for the next update from Philips!


@Philips_Support_N any update on production lines this week.

  • How many produced?
  • How many active lines do we have right now?
  • What does the supply chain line look like, do you still have a steady stream of parts on hand or coming in to supply all backers?

Any update would be greatly appreciated.


I wonder why the team would still go for holiday considering the long lock down happened plus the backlog that they have to fulfill.

Hi Philips, let’s make it simple - could you please share when you are able to next ship to Singapore?

If not by this month, please allow for us to get a refund.

This has dragged on long enough and with jobs being impacted and money being scarce, this is increasingly seen as a frivolous expenditure especially if it is not forthcoming.


Thank you for putting my mind at has the trapezium issue been solved ?
I see these issues like green picture ,red picture and I get worried…I’m just hoping I get a good piece which I don’t have to return bcs returning is a pain.Is that too much to hope ?
Lastly since u answered each n every worry of mine cd u know when the u.s delivery is planned ?

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Unfortunately that’s the one thing I don’t have any more info than what I gather from the same posts by PhilipsNono.

The trapezium or Vertical Keystone Correction is available for all inputs and uses, works via the hardware. The 4 corner correction is however only available in the Android OS and apps within, which has been addressed by giving better explanation of the limitations (INFO: Limitations of features for HDMI and USB-C inputs)

Please don’t worry about the unit or its features, not all is as bad as some make it out to be, not all is as some expected it to be or were promised it would be, but in the end it is a nice, portable, self-contained unit.

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@Philips_Support_T With current rate of production, can you please let us know when Contribution # 15XXX could expect to receive?

@Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_1

hi, i checked your List for sendings a few days ago with my backer_id beeing “15590105” the list got updated now and my backer_id got removed from the list, but since im from germany i’m a bit concerned about a mistake or something else? can u please check and give me an answer. it’s confusing to me right now why i was included first but now beeing excluded.

best regards



I can confirm to you that you are well on the list
