General info about shipment and manufacturing

I think it’s perfectly understandable that they’re not taking up the bill for something completely unforeseen like that - although I think they should address it differently. If they calculated for, say, an average delivery costs of somewhere around 30, maybe 50 Euros of the 400-500€ contribution, depending on time of backing) and it now turns out to cost double, triple or more (there are various quotes floating around ranging from slightly under 100€ to more than 200€) for a sizeable number of people, then probably no mid-sized company could/should responsibly go ahead and say, well we’re going to come out with net loss on this, but whatever we’ll just cut our employees salary. In fact, I’d be quite annoyed if they went ahead doing that and then found out mid-way that they actually can’t afford it, have to go into administration and won’t be able to deliver the rest of the projectors. I hope their finances are more stable than this, but remember, this is not Philips, it’s a smaller company that has a brand licensing agreement.

That being said, I can see that it’s frustrating to have waited for quite a while already only to be told now that you still may have to wait for an indeterminate amount of time.
Given this, it would be good if they could offer the choice, at least to the people who can’t be delivered to, between waiting and getting their projector as soon as prices come down or to get a refund - or possibly the option of paying extra for the delivery, as some have offered, but I think it was mentioned here that there may be logistical problems with collecting the extra money. Plus I can already imagine the complaints about the fact that this would probably also mean that import taxes would be much higher, as they’d be calculated not on, say 439€ (or however much it is in $), but closer to 600€ or 700€.

I’d be curious to understand why they don’t offer a refund option for these cases - maybe their operational finances are indeed a bit tight at this point and they can’t risk to reduce their cash buffer by the amount of current losses that would incur? After all, they won’t be able to make new money by selling the device until production of backer devices is through, and then the general issues with logistics (and possibly also the crisis-related general drop in consumption) are probably not going to make it easier to make cash quickly. Anyway, just some naive speculation (going beyond what I think we could reasonably expect them to disclose, but maybe offering a possible perspective).


Thank you for the clarification @IvoGrijt and your wish!

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Hey everyone, PLEASE STOP complaining, defending, arguing, posting pointless words about contacting Philips or DHL CEO, or ironic replies to Philips update. It’s just, let me say, stupid. I think that all this does not accelerate anything. And only drives other people nuts. Really. It’s really hard to follow this thread.
Create another “Complaining thread” instead.
You are not the only ones waiting for the PPM.
You are not the only ones who spent more or less 600€ and with nothing in your hands.
You are not the only ones writing/reading here.
You are not the only ones waiting for some updates.


Dear Sir I am one of those 8 persons in that batch ( 1 month ago), but i did not get my tracking id yet.
My Backer is : 15591947
Contribution id : 5532

Looking forward for your feedback.
My Regards,

Yes I’m from poland. But I’m 10.5k and I’m not sure if I’ll get it any time soon

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There is someone in the Europe thread, who is on the current list and has a larger ID than you:

Can’t find the list, any link, please?

Also available in the summary thread

Thanks, I’m in. Any new info about shipping?

Unfortunately I’m not able to be happy about it anymore :confused: but maybe it’ll be good and I’ll keep it

Once you unpack that little beauty she’ll win your heart over, I’m pretty confident about that! :wink:


Hi im backer 11691 from Argentina.
Can you be so kind to tell me when my projector will be shipped?
I thought the product i backed included all associated shipping costs.
I patiently waited for more than 6 months.
Thank you in advance for your prompt answer!!!

Can’t acces the link “An unexpected error ocurred”

When is the next shipping to the US?

Backerkit: 15586441

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Would it be possible to have a clear information about how many ppm remain to be shipped on the whole Indiegogo campaign and get the average ppm shipped/week so I can predict the arrival of my contribution.

Considering my backer id (around 16000) and the 2/3 weeks shipping delay I feel I’m going to receive it in June or even July.


Most likely late June I presume. I’m 91xx and my unit was shipped on 10 of April. It may clear German customs soon, which would mean it could arrive sometime next week (Early May).


  • 1624 new devices have been received by our forwarder.
    Next step: checking all addresses and book the flight.
  • DHL/UPS is picking up today the goods in the warehouse in Germany for the previous shipment. You will then ben able to track your Max!

any updates on the shipment in Germany for Europe?

The shipment have been released yesterday


Thank you for this golden comment. I have believed every word

Hi - are these the ones from the latests list you published a couple of days ago?
