General info about shipment and manufacturing

The list itself has Backerkit ID’s in it. But good question indeed on how it came to these Backerkit IDs, if by Contribution ID alone or by Country or some other order.

A lot of words and your words not mine. So are you an independent or not?

I am reiterating an assertion that you have made yourself - that you are not working for Screeneo or Philips. Hence an independent. And since there is no evidence that you are not working for them then you are a so-called independent.

You want to take it as being called a liar that’s up to you but these are all your own words and imaginations and I do not dignify it with any further response.

Screeneo set this up supposedly as an official channel to handle official support. Now I have pointed out information relevant to this thread as have you. Stick to that and facts.


Don’t answer to those kind of attacks… Don’t waste your time. Thank you for your help on this forum, really.


That’s is great @Philips_Support_N we are grateful for continuing upgrade the product through software enhancements!

Could you please give us a timeline for firmware 1.10 and for the new fan noise enhancement?

Thank you!


Last update they released was over half of total orders had been completed. So I would guess this is the 7500k to 10,000.

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Guess what @Philips_Support_N, your list doesn’t contain my backerkit number despite you having said so yesterday.


I will check. I’m not the one making the list. I just checked you were in the previous list, not in this one, and as you can see in your backerkit, the projector is on its way


Thanks for the update! Do you have an outloook of the following week already with some estimates or I guess this would happen on Monday?

I’m getting more and more excited… Hope @IvoG will get his projector screen as well soon to make a quick review so I can make an order.

I will check. I’m not the one making the list. I just checked you were in the previous list, not in this one, and as you can see in your backerkit, the projector is on its way

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I agree that I am independent from Screeneo, and that lacking evidence of the contrary, I am so-called independent. That was not my point however.

My point is that I equate you calling me “so-called independent” (including the quotes) to you calling me a liar, and that’s what I do not want you to do anymore please

If I referred to you as the “honest” George Lee, or the “smart” debater George Lee, the very inclusion of the quotes casts doubt on and negates what is being said.

To be honest I find it a shame that this is all you had to take away or comment on, when I actually genuinely praised you for your research and contribution, I was very impressed when I read them earlier.


We will have an outlook on next Thursday for the next batch


Certainly. As you said it’s ready for this shipment but the previous list was published 23 days ago.

Nevertheless. Thank you for pointing that out.


Erf, maybe next time, can’t wait for 15585270 to show up in this file.
Still, thank you for your work during this hard time :blush:
Someone far in the 15XXXs backers from France

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No luck for this list hopefully the next. Thanks for the hard work.


Did the next shipment of light engines come in, I think it was another 1k expected.

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I added a timestamp to the 1st post to show when it was last updated with information, hope this helps you to see if you need to actually check it or not.


Is Brazil included in the list? Can you please inform if my projector is going to be shipped in this next batch (as promised)? Backers ID: 15585000

Good evening. 15587158 Am I on the list?

Wow, you made me sign up for the forum after just watching the madness going on here and being mildly shocked and, admittedly, mildly amused by it for a while.

Some of your indignation is understandable, and as @IvoGrijt pointed out it’s fair enough that you seem to invest some energy into looking things up. (Of course, I could go onto a similar path as you and some other people on this forum and assume the worst: how do I know you haven’t just made up that stuff about contacting DHL and falsified the email etc.? I won’t go there because that’s just silly, see below.)

But this ad hominem attack at @IvoGrijt is just too much for me (yes, there’s been other stuff on the forum that I found similarly annoying, but now I can finally spare a few minutes on this).
You’re of course well aware that your calling @IvoGrijt a so-called independent is meant as a blanket way of calling his credibility into question. So that’s clearly a badly hidden attempt at name calling with apparently innocuous terminology. Of course, the abuse of logic is quite obvious.
By your logic, I can also build up the following “argument”: I suspect you would deny working for some competitor company of Philipps or Screeneo, or for a troll-farm paid by such a competitor to obstruct this forum. But I haven’t seen any proof that you don’t, so from now I think it is very reasonable to refer to @Georgeleecc as a so-called non-troll (well, you can think of something catchier if you prefer).

By all means, continue calling every piece of information posted here into question (I’ll comment on that from a content perspective below) - it gets old after a while and clutters the forum, but is sometimes entertaining and sometimes actually informative; but please do not continue with this assault on @IvoGrijt and decent interhuman behaviour.

Now for this general discussion, I’m just wondering what all the people questioning every single bit of information posted here think is going on? I get that some people are seriously frustrated, ok. I also think that there are things that could be handled better. Specifically, for the people in places where delivery turns out to be forbiddingly expensive at the moment, it would seem fair to offer those people the choice between a) waiting, b) getting a refund and c) paying extra for delivery if they insist on getting it asap (not sure if the latter is logistically feasible, plus it would probably inflate the customs/taxes people would have to pay).

But the big question for me is why some people seem to insinuate that Screeneo or Philips is deliberately delaying deliveries to specific places (or maybe some people think they just generally want to delay deliveries?). I don’t understand why on earth they should be interested in doing that? One slightly more credible fear would be that they just wanted to take all the money and never deliver the product. That’s is a real risk in crowd funding, but it evidently isn’t the case here, as plenty of people have received their devices. There may be questions about possible mistakes in quality control (as was indeed the case initially), logistics, choice of logistics partners or what have you, maybe. But deliberately going out of their way to stop some groups of people from getting their device? That conspiracy theory sounds similar to the one about some secretive groups of people to kill everyone else with chemtrails or vaccination to achieve… well, I never understood what actually.
And even if you’re just claiming that they lie about everything, again, what do they have to gain?

Anyway, I suppose the people into this kind of thinking will just tear into me now for obviously getting a weekly 6 figure pay check from screeneo to “defend” them or whatever.

Sorry, this post got much longer than planned, but I guess if other people get to vent their frustration here, I can take one opportunity for that, too. Seriously though, feel free to move this post out of the way. (Maybe there should be a separate “venting” section where all this stuff can go.)


Not sure why you couldn’t look it up, but unfortunately it doesn’t look like your number’s on this list.

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